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The Un Ethical Stealing of an Employee Sales


Submitted By webbwal
Words 918
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Whistle Blowing On A Manager Ethical Or Not

Is Whistle Blowing On A Manager Ethical Or Not? Business Ethics

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Excelsior Online College

This paper is prepared for Business Ethics 323 taught by Professor Andrea Lucas.


Dealing with whistle blowing on the store manager, I found to have great internal ethical conflict. Even with none of this situation being my fault I still managed to want to consider how it would affect him, his family and other employees lives. How was the store manager being un- ethical and should I feel bad about the blowing the whistle, in this situation?
Is Whistle Blowing On A Manager Ethical Or Not?

In 1995 right out of high school, I applied for what I thought was the best jobs in the world. Lead sales associate at a Radio Shack store. As a young enthusiastic youth I thought that this new position was going to make me. I had a pay increase and would get commission on top of it, what could be better. At this time in my life consequentialist theories in relation to work were very weak and almost non existing. I guess that’s wrong to say, I was really not aware and trusting. I had an idea in my head from previous jobs, a manager is supposed to look out for employees. I had managers that took the utilitarian approach, and identified how situations would harm or benefit the employee. So you can imagine how surprised I was to have this story to tell. I reported to RadioShack ready to work at 7:00am. I was introduced to the manager Mike something he proceeded to give me the grand tour of store, and told me the corporate office had said great things about me. He explained that I needed to learn all the in's and outs of cell phones, this is where I was gonna start, So I did. At that time the biggest item

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