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The Uniformity Of Homogenization In Space Odyssey

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town, at first, they are not acknowledged as Ryder’s son and wife, which implies that an important part of Ryder’s past life unraveled in this anonymous town. Sophie addresses formally as Mr. Ryder at first meeting and later Sophie pursue an emotional re-approachment with him as if once Ryder and Sophie had been in a unsettled marriage. She wants to have together “a great feast”, “we have got to put the past behind us. We have got to start doing things together again” (Unconsoled, 225). But, the narrative finally deals nothing of his real background. Still Ryder’s unconscious recognition of the starrings in the film Space Odyssey as American icons indicates a particular memory take up on American films. The ambiguity of the novel rotates around Ryder and it indicates that if Ryder is American or not is not actually important but any sort of Americanness itself is symbolic of greater political forces which shape and determine the uniformity of the world culture and such homogenization is achievable not just because of economic potency of a few nations but by the powerless societies that permit themselves to be engulf by homogenization. The talk between Ryder and Pederson during the film accentuates the yearning of an unknown town to be ratified by a cosmopolitan model …show more content…
The narrative never discloses with clarity the explicit nature of this significance that it aspires to achieve. Similarly Ishiguro never discloses the earlier “crisis” that the city is presently recovering. Readers can speculate that the city has tested earlier to attain like a Stuttgart or a Paris and failed and the forthcoming event of Ryder’s and Brodsky’s performance, a combination between local and cosmopolitan that will fulfill the town’s hope of attaining a ‘polis’ whose stature will resonate across the

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