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John Green Video Clips Analysis

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From the three video clips, John Green clearly exposes to us some of the touching political and economic challenges that the young government of the United States of America faced in the late 1700 and early 1800’s. As reflected from the video clips, John Green is seen to elaborate how central political differences had disagreements on federalism and ant-federalism. In addition, he explains to us how central political disagreement resulted in the emergence of Democratic Party. As evident from the video clips, it evident that when it comes to economic issues, Jefferson (Washington’s secretary of Staff) had vast differences with the Federalist (Video1 7). It is revealed that the Democratic-Republicans had a strong belief in protecting the rights and interests of the working class individuals in the U.S. This included the merchants, laborers and …show more content…
Actually, Federalists’ was purely described as the nationalist. Federalist were tools which were used in around 1780’s to seize the latest constitution of the United States of America (Video3 4). The tool was used to strengthen the national government as well. From the video Clips, the following were the Federalists: Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, George Madison, Alexander Hamilton and George Washington. However, the Anti-federalists was the opposing tool to the ratification of the United States of America Constitution. Actually, this fought for the ratification of the thirteen states in the United States of America. It played a successful role in enforcing the first Congress which was under the latest constitution to set up a bill of right which would make sure that the liberties which the Antifederalists had an impact on the constitutional violation. From the video Clips, the following were the antifederalists: John Hancock, Richard Henry Lee, Patrick Henry, Mercy Otis Warren and George

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