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Tighten Gun Ownership Laws

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Should the USA tighten gun ownership laws?

April 16, 2007, Virginia Tech campus, 32 people shot and killed. Oct. 16, 1991, Columbine High School 13 people shot and killed. These are just some of the many traumatic events across America involving both guns and death. The USA has always respected the thought of ‘everyone has a right to bear arms’, although some people think it’s a good idea to take that right and exploit it. Resulting in shootings like these. This has been a major issue over the last 15 years or so but even back in 1789 when a group of 39 men known as the founding fathers included this right in the US constitution, people have been finding ways to take that right and tear it apart because the law has never been up to scratch. …show more content…
Laws made because of this include, banning high capacity ammunition and safety locks on guns. There was also a law banning anyone buying guns for criminals so many people wondered why it took them that long to make that illegal.

Counter argument – When you ask a patriotic person about the gun laws in the USA, they will usually say that tightening the laws, will stop innocent people from protecting themselves. This is said because commonly, criminals get guns illegally and gun laws have to impact on how easy it is for them to get them. Another counter argument is the old saying, ‘guns don’t kill people, people kill people.’ This refers to the person pulling the trigger rather than the gun itself. It means that if guns were banned and long before guns were introduced, people still used other things to kill people.

A response to the first counter argument would by the sandy hook school shooting. This was an incident were someone took their parents gun and used to it kill. Before I get into the shooting, I don’t 100% believe that this shooting actually occurred due to many sources I found when I researched this but it happened on the 14th of December, 2012, in Connecticut when 20-year-old Adam Lanza shot 20 children and 6 adult staff members. Before driving to the school, he killed his mother at their home. When police arrived at the scene, he shot himself in the

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