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The Wave Anne Peterson Analysis

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The Wave
Anne Peterson: mountain climber, windsurfer, overall daredevil. She liked to take risks and try new things, and usually they resulted in a good time, strong friendships, and lots of laughs. For instance, Anne’s skydive into the Pacific Ocean may have seemed a bit intimidating to others, but to her it was just another part of the game called life. Or even when she climbed Mt. Everest, fears of death were never the first things on her mind. What Anne didn’t know was that even the small adventures were dangerous. Her lucky survival streak could not last forever, and this thought never dawned to her on that night at the beach.
Not too long ago, Anne, and her best friend Cally, were enjoying a late night bonfire at a beach they had been to a few times before. The cool beach air had been warmed by the burning flames that separated the two girls. They stayed close to the warmth, mesmerized by the large, beautiful fire. The beach was deserted, no one in sight, no one to hear the screams of a dying girl or even attempt to get help. The girls had not thought to tell anyone where they were going, or when they would be back. Parents assumed they’d see the teens in the morning. Anne and Cally assumed they’d be back in bed just a few hours …show more content…
With every step the water felt cooler, and it became harder and harder to keep balance. The waves clapped against one another swooshing about the wild sea. Wind sent Cally’s hair flying in every direction before settling across her face. She attempted to reposition her hair, but it continued to attack her. It didn’t matter too much, because the only things in Cally’s line of sight was darkness. The water rippled with every step that Cally took, and stilled moments later when she left the area. Her feet sunk into the soft sand, creating imprints that disappeared in seconds as the waves washed everything away. Waves liked to destroy

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