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...would you save, a Rembrandt painting or an old woman who hadn’t many years left anyhow? Restless on hard chairs caring little for pictures or old age we’d opt one year for life, the next for art and always half-heartedly. Sometimes the woman borrowed my grandmother’s face leaving her usual kitchen to wander some drafty, half-imagined museum. One year, feeling clever, I replied why not let the woman decide herself? Linda, the teacher would report, eschews the burdens of responsibility. This fall in a real museum I stand before a real Rembrandt, old woman, or nearly so, myself. The colors within this frame are darker than autumn, darker even than winter — the browns of earth, though earth’s most radiant elements burn through the canvas. I know now that woman and painting and season are almost one and all beyond the saving of children. Title – The word “ethics” is usually used in context with society and how the youth has close to none. I believe this poem might be a self-realization journey where either the author, or the protagonist find the meaning of the word through a physical experience or a journey into their own soul Paraphrase – The author is thinking of a memory many years ago when she was still in school. She was in ethics class, and every year, around fall, her teacher would ask all the students the same question, “If there were a fire in a museum, which would you save, a Rembrandt painting or an old woman who hadn’t many years left anyhow?” All...
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...Jeffery Soy Carl Jung’s literary archetypes determine the structure of literary works. In the novel Fifth Business, by Robertson Davies, many of Jung’s archetypes are reflected in the characters. These archetypes include the Eternal Boy, the Wise Old Man, the Hero, the Maiden, and the Persona. The characters of Boy Staunton, Dunny Ramsay, Paul Dempster, Mary Dempster, and Leola Cruikshank symbolize these archetypes and support the overall theme of appearance versus reality in Fifth Business. Upon analyzing Carl Jung’s archetypes, one would find that Boy is the most obvious example of the Eternal Boy archetype. Over the course of the novel, Boy grows physically, but he acts very childish. He constantly denies throwing the snowball that struck Mary Dempster. He tries to prove to Dunny that he is better than him in every way. As kids, he ridiculed Dunny’s old sled and wool mitts (Davies, 3). In the future, he even goes as far as waving Leola’s naked photos in front of Dunny’s face (Davies, 148). Boy never grew mentally. Boy symbolizes the appearance of things, directly conflicting Dunny’s values of reality. And while many may believe that Dunny is the Hero of Fifth Business, he is better suited to the archetype of the Wise Old Man. The Wise Old Man acts as uses his personal knowledge to help offer guidance.To support this claim, one could take the example of his teenage years when he worked in a library. Dunny became focused on his goal of being a polymath. He read encyclopedias...
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...Before the written word, the printing press, computers, modems, the Internet and all other communication methods, people passed their beliefs, their history and their values from generation to generation through storytelling and oral tradition. Important aspects of every culture were documented in myths. Creation myths explained how a people came to be, giving them a spiritual/religious connection to a much larger universe filled with the unexplained. In addition, creation myths explained a culture’s origin, history, deities and heroes. Myths gave a culture a clear connection throughout the ages. These myths were passed on through generations to become an integral part of many cultures. Myths helped make order out of chaos, explained things in nature that could not be readily understood. Myths, frequently, expressed ideas and concepts that were common to all human beings. Questions about good and evil, life and death, fear and anxiety, heroes and heroic feats, punishment for breaking cultural values are present in every culture. The “why” of existence crosses cultural, racial and geographic challenges. These topics were the basis for many myths. The myths created to address these topics were frequently variations of the same or similar stories/oral traditions. Collectively, these universal themes or questions are referred to as universal myths. Myths existed before there was art and before the written word. The great mythic themes were known before literature. Myths existed...
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...A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings The story, "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings", is a symbolic story about an old man who people believe is an angel. They believe that the old man is sent to take the son of Pelayo and Elisenda because he has been sick. The story tells of the angel’s hard times throughout his stay with Pelayo and his family, but the people lose interest in the so called angel after word spreads of the "spider-woman". There is a sigh of relief when the angel disappears over the horizon. During the beginning of the story, Pelayo and his wife are having a hard time. Their house was over-flowing with rotten crabs, and their son was extremely ill. They thought the illness was from the stench of the crabs. One day when Pelayo went to the beach to throw some crabs back, he discovered something in the mud. The movement was an old man who had wings. Pelayo was told that it was an angel sent to take their son away, and they were advised to kill the old man. They did not kill the man; however, they found out that hundreds of pilgrims were willing to pay to see the angel. Elisenda and Pelayo put the man in the chicken coop and decided to charge five cents for people to see the angel. The curious came from far away. Less than a week there rooms were filled with money. After that, the people had begun to hear about a woman who had been changed into a spider because she disobeyed her parents. The spider-woman told her story to people and they listened with...
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...the police to believe that colored people are the ones responsible for many of the crimes that happen in the United States. In 1989, five young boys, Korey Wise, Antron McCray, Kevin Richardson, Raymond Santana, and Yusef Salaam, were falsely accused of raping a twenty-eight year old white jogger in Central Park, New York and served up to thirteen years in prison without people questioning their innocence because they had colored skin. In April of 1989, a white female went for a jog at Central Park. She was raped multiple times and was beaten up at 10:30 pm. Her rapist left her in very critical conditions. She was found at 1:30 am by two other joggers. The joggers found the victim unconscious and almost nude. Five young colored boys were accused of raping the woman. On April 21, 1989, the Daily News newspaper in New York printed an article called “Wolf Pack’s Prey”. The article gave details about the case. The news paper used quotes that police officers would say when they would talk about what they heard in the confessions. For Example, the Daily News says, “ One youth admitted to rape and several others told police they sexually abused her, another source added. ‘They are giving each other up,’ said one officer involved in questioning the youths.” The police do not have any solid evidence that the kids raped the woman. If they did have solid proof like, for example, if they found the boys DNA in the victim, the police would of mention that. The police do not have any evidence...
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...desires equality, and that discrimination is not condoned in biblical stories and teachings. It is easy to initially construct the notion of misogyny in the Old Testament when acquiring only a shallow view of scripture. However, when applying a hermeneutical approach, one can see that equality among genders is a common theme. The Bible itself is, without a doubt, patriarchal in nature, but presents evidence of equality. Of note is the theme of religious equality; “that is, equality of the woman as a person before God.” This essay will explore various events in the Bible, beginning in Genesis, to support the claim that the Old Testament, though patriarchal, is not misogynistic and demeaning to women. Equality in Genesis Genesis states, “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them” (Gen 1:27, NKJV). This verse provides evidence for equality between women and men and that they are both made in the image of God. Taking a look at Genesis 1:26-28 as a whole shows that the words “image” or “likeness” were used four times and implies significance. Men and women are both Godlike according to this passage, supporting that God created them equally. An examination of the second chapter of Genesis echoes the same idea. However, some may oppose this by arguing that woman being made second to man suggests inferiority. The argument may also be made that the word “helper” in Genesis 2:20 connotes the inferiority of...
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...start out around 7 years old and are taught a code of chivalry (code of conduct) and the basics of knight hood. The knight in the Wife of Bath’s tale forcibly violates a young madden and punished with execution by decapitation. He is saved by the queen but is sent on a twelve month and a day quest. The knight in the Wife of Bath’s Tale doesn’t display chivalry by his actions of violating an innocent woman and continues to dishonor this code by being demeaning and crass to an old woman who helps save his life yet at the end allows the old woman to make a decision regarding his life. At the begging of the story a young knight comes across a beautiful madden. Overcome by lust and power he rapes her. The court is defamed by his actions and they condemn him to death. He was going to be executed but “the queen and the other ladies too, implored the king to exercise his grace so ceaselessly, he gave the queen the case and granted her his life, and she could whether to show mercy of refuse.” (70-74) His actions are unchiviric because he forcibly violates a young lady. Any code of conduct should say that rape is unjustified by anyone, especially by a knight. The queen is intrigued by the case and asks to grant his punishment. Before his time the king’s queen offers a proposition. The question he is asked is “What is the thing that women most desire?” (80-81) This question Shows the true chivalry of a man because if a man is chiveric he will know what a woman wants most. He goes out on...
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...Even when the old...
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...ew On The Block To Market To Market To Buy a Plum Cake Tobacco Tommy My Son Tommy Snooks Tongs More New On The Block Kid's Favourite Im A Little Teapot Jack and Jill Baa Baa Black Sheep Johny Johny A Wise Old Owl More Kid's Favourite Top Rated Im A Little Teapot Johny Johny Baa Baa Black Sheep Jack and Jill ABC More Top Rated POPULAR LYRICS A Beetle and a Broomstraw A Beetle Once Sat on a Barberry Twig A Big Fat Potato A Bundle Of Hay A Candle A Carrot in a Garden A Cat Came Fiddling Out of a Barn A Cherry A Cock And Bull A Counting Out Rhyme A Difficult Rhyme A Dillar A Dollar A Free Show A Good Boy A Lame Tame Crane A Little Boy Ran to the End of the Sky A Man a Stool a Leg of Mutton and a Dog A Man And A Maid A Man in the Wilderness A Man with a Nickel A Melancholy Song A Moon Song A Needle And A Thread A Plum Pudding A Poker A Race A Race To Moscow A Seasonable Song A Shoemaker Makes Shoes A Sieve A Star A Strange Old Woman A Sure Test A Tisket A Tasket A Tree A Tutor Who Tooted A Wise Old Owl A Young Lady 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 » JOIN OUR MAILING LIST Enter your email address SUBMIT NurseryRhymes.com is a free...
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...God's word, so that we can apply the knowledge found in the Bible. On the other hand, non-believers have no such thing as the bible; thus, they try to correct themselves. One place in the Bible that best explains these concepts are found in the Old Testament, from the books of Solomon, especially in Proverbs. Solomon, being the author of the book of Proverbs, was granted the gift of wisdom, because of the covenant that he made with from God, when first became king. When he spoke and wrote about diligence, Solomon used the opportunity to discuss about its opposition, laziness. As I was reading in the Bible, I came upon an illustration, that was given by Solomon, on wisdom and laziness. In his comparison between the two, Solomon sets up wisdom as light and laziness as darkness, “Then I turned my thoughts to consider wisdom, and also madness and folly. What more can the king’s successor do than what has already been done? I saw that wisdom is better than folly, just as light is better than darkness. The wise have eyes in their heads, while the fool walks in the darkness...” (Ecclesiastes 2:12-14a NIV). The first thing that he acknowledges, is that the “wise” man is able to perceive and examine life. Because of this light, the “wise” man is able to live a more fertile life. On the other hand, the foolish man perceives...
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...Fairy Tales, a modern staple of the nursery, represent much about the culture which tells them, for in fairy tales we find not just the fantasies of childhood but the realities of society. So much more than just nursery stories, fairy tales provide the backdrop for the development of a child’s psyche by simultaneously stimulating his imagination and “at the same time suggesting solutions to the problems which perturb him.” (Bettleheim in Tatar 270). Just as Oedipal conflicts and narcissistic dilemmas are navigated amid the fantasies of these tales, it is in the same manner that fairy tales till the soil on which the budding individual develops as a gendered and socialized member of the culture in which he lives. Folk stories, and more modernly, fairy tales, serve to influence the collective and individual unconscious in gender roles and gender identities. In examination of the various treatments of classic tales we can identify a running theme of subjugating the feminine in the service of patriarchy. Fairy tales are a specialization of folk lore, similar to myths and quests in that each subclass identify and reinforce gender roles. Hero stories accentuate the bravery and skill of the young boy who identifies with them but simultaneously reinforce that boy’s understanding of how to relate to the feminine (in many such tales the feminine is relegated to a helpless beauty he must rescue). Similarly, fairy tales, “by producing the female subject as complemented and completed...
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...friends have been making fun at him all the time he has known them. At some point his friend the mouse Algernon cannot beat the labyrinth, and after some time it dies. At the same point Charlie starts to get dumber, reading and spelling gets harder. He gets very frustrated, and do not want to leave his apartment. Now he cannot spell or read as good, his IQ is falling and falling. He gets his old work back working, but there is too many who is feeling sorry for him, and he leaves for New York . The reason why the doctors Dr. Strauss and Dr. Nemur choose to give Charlie the operation was because he knew what he wanted and would do anything to get smarter. “His friends” Joe and Frank is very nice to him in the beginning in Charlie’s mind. When Charlie got smarter, he realized that they have been making fun of him the whole time. In the start Charlie sees Miss Kinnian as an old wise woman. But later he sees her as an attractive ordinary woman. There are many good things in being smart, and there are bad things. Charlie finds out how the real world looks like. The meaning of Fanny’s wise words is that, we have to be glad for the things we have been given, and not reach for more. It’s bad to chance suddenly,...
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...Sample Journal on “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings: A Tale for Children.” By Gabriel Garcia Marquez Being introduced to a foreign tale like this doesn’t occur to me often. After learning a little more about Gabriel Marquez life and beliefs, the story became comprehensible. In the beginning of the story the Gabriel Marquez describes the setting of where the couple lives. The weather and elements reflected the struggles of Pelayo and Elisenda lives. When Pelayo and Elisenda noticed the very old man there is no doubt that they were being tested by faith. As the story goes on and they receive advice from the wise neighborhood woman to kill him, they merely perform a kind act by housing him in the chicken coop. This showed how the couple neither thought of him as a respected human being, and put him in a place for animals. Once their child recovered miraculously in such a short time and they discovered that they can showcase him to the public for profit, they soon realized this old man can bring prosperity into their lives. Even though his presence attracted a swarm of people who wanted his blessings, he did not acknowledge their presence. I believe no one understood what he would try say because they did not care. The people only wanted to hear reassurance for their own comfort and not his. When the character Farther Gonzaga was introduced to the story, Gabriel Marquez highlighted the fact that before he became a priest, he used to be a robust woodcutter; such a huge leap between...
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...as well as religious organizations. The abortion debate is often considered a two-sided controversy; however, the issue involves questions about biology, morality and religion and legal rights. For example, people who consider themselves as pro-life activists argue that abortion destroys human life, which they believe begins at conception. As a result, the pro-life activists regarded abortion as immoral and should be illegal and abandoned. Some of the moderate pro-life advocates allow exceptions in the cases of rapes, incest, or if mother’s health is at risk. People who identify themselves as pro-choice activists contend that every woman has a right to make decision concerning her body and her future outweighs the right of the fetus. Some pro-choice supporters endorse restrictions on abortion, such as informed consent laws, which require that a woman receive state-authored literature on abortion before undergoing the procedure, and mandatory waiting periods. One of the most controversial restrictions on abortion requires minors to notify or obtain the consent of at least one parent before having an abortion. As the abortion debate continues, both groups (pro-life and pro-choice activists) staged very strong fundamental arguments given strong reasons and points supporting their stands and views. The pro-life activists most of who...
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