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The Yellow Wallpaper Research Paper

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Ever since the pilgrims came to the new world in the 1620, they had help the men with jobs that required lots of work. However, ever since they started to build colonies around the eastern part of the coast, many Females felt like they are not getting the same rights as the men are because they believe that they are in control. As the years had gone by, many of the feminist started to speak up for their equalities as to having the same rights as the men do. Although, many men still do not see females as one because males feel like they are still the ones with superior. In the late 1800’s, Charlotte P. Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper” was one her best stories she had ever written because many feminists were impacted by the way the story was told. “The Yellow Wallpaper” deals with a female narrative who is sick with a mental breakdown that is causing her to have a depression. As the narrator is trapped …show more content…
However, when “The Yellow Wallpaper” was publish in the late 1800’s, it had impacted many people, especially the feminist, that it had become white whale or albatross to the females (Robinson 121). The story had a contemporary many feminist conscious. The reason why the story had open many feminist is because “The Yellow Wallpaper” was written in Gilman’s perspective view because she had a mental breakdown as well as the character in her story. What had inspired her to make the character feel like she was facing depression was her physician because he didn’t care with what she had wrote for “The Yellow Wallpaper” (Robinson 120-122). This correlates to the story because the female narrator was also facing a mental breakdown; however, the narrator was in a room where her doctor, also her husband, did not help her out as much. As Gilman had shown what men are, she clearly showed that males feel more superior knowing the fact that they are in

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