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Thehistory of Special Education


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The History of Special Education and the Laws Associated with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Latrena Y. Haynes
Grand Canyon University: SPE - 526
March 05, 2014

Special education is a type of education for students with special needs. The term is usually abbreviated as SPED which can also mean Saving People Every Day. This includes people who are different from normal people whether they are a baby, toddler, young adult, or an adult. This includes people who have a disability who are often overlooked at because of their disability. This also includes people who just want the same treatment and an education given to them as a normal or regular person. This paper will explore the history of education and the laws associated with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). It will also discourse the current and future challenges that the laws have on special education.

The History of Special Education and the Laws Associated with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) The history of special education started back a long time ago in the 1900s when people was going to court versing the other to fight for an education for students with disabilities. Children with disabilities were overlooked and not accepted by the general population (Heward, 2009). No matter when they born or where they was born, if they had a disability then discrimination always occurred. Back in the days, educating a child with a disability was unheard of. Children’s only care back then was either in a mental institution or cared for at home (Heward, 2009). But getting an education was simply denied. Back then children with disabilities faced with children with disabilities as of today has changed. Every American has the right to receive a free class education that has been assured by the public education. With this being said, according to Pardini since 1918 education laws has been in place which requires all children to attend public schools. In spite of the intents there is plentiful acts of educational that congress has delivered over the latter years counting a hundred in one populace that did not get an opposite consideration. During the innovation of public education, children who have disabilities were often unnoticed. Even though in the early mid-1800s, “there were acts making grants to the states for asylums for the deaf and dumb,” (Martin, Martin & Terman, 1996) never has there been an emphasis on teaching youngsters with incapacities. Rather than to educate these children, they were force to stay in asylums watching over them or forced to stay at home for life. Wanting to give their children an appropriate education concerning the needs to their child’s specific learning need, parents shaped groups that would be in favor of an enactment of special education programs into the public education that was done in the early twentieth century. The civil rights movement was the very first breakthrough to support parents with children who had disabilities. The movement provided a way to “equal protection under the law to minorities” (Pardini, 2002). Following, that within the public education system, kids with incapacities will become familiar as a populace with unique special needs. In 1975 the first congressional act was passed. The Education for all Handicapped Children Act was originally the name however, Public Law 94-142 was once it was often referred to. With a varieties of disabilities from students, this act insisted for a proper education in the public school while being the first of its kind. This means that students with incapacities would without any doubt have to be waited on. The act also help to provide funds to educate students with incapacities in public school systems. Coordinated with their disability, children with disabilities would be allowed entrance to a free public education for the first time in history. This causes for more teachers to be educated in the field of special education. These teachers will be specialized and trained to teach children with various disabilities (Pardini, 2002). In 1990 and 1997 the Public Law 94 – 142 had major changes. To rename the law was the first change it had to make. This is when the law became the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act or IDEA. Students with disabilities in all districts with schools that are public was provided a diversity of services that was required from IDEA. These services included services like required related services, transportation, parent counseling, and therapy services. Also under IDEA, no matter how severe there disability was, students was assured the right of entry to a public education. For their unique special education requirement, students would be granted accommodations under IDEA related service clause whether technological devices, or an aid who worked full- time was vital and needed so that a student could be in school physically. Of all school aged children who are public, ten percent or six million is estimated to need the assistance of special education services from the number of students (Pardini, 2002).
On January 8, 2002 the No Child Left behind Act (NCLB) was signed into law. In 1965 The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) was signed into law and it was the first act that was titled. This act set forth educational guidelines and covered the way for federal support of school programs for public education (Martin, Martin & Terman, 1996).
To put forward a great education goal for educators and students, the NCLB version of the act was applied. In the form of assessment testing, students were to show an annual mastery of basic subject matter that was requisite of the NCLB. The purpose of these tests was to recognize the students in need of additional help. Also, to be successful in the classroom the NCLB clearly states the educational background requests educators must hold.
Studies have arose to connect successful teachers with strong educational backgrounds in the area of content that they teach with students. Therefore, to make students more successful requirements are being made by legislatures to better the students (Gelman, Pullen & Kauffman, 2004).
The No Child Left behind Act requires that each state create reaching standards for all students including students with disabilities. In public education an IEP or individualized educational plan is required of each student that has a disability. The IEP will state the student’s learning and how their disability affects their learning. It will also include a plan for teachers to take to teach the student properly.
Describing success among students with disabilities, this is where the problem comes about. Due to a large number of disabilities and how severe the disability is all students will not be able to display progress in the core content areas which are mathematics, science, social studies, reading, and language arts (Lynch & Adams, 2008).
There is a saying that says children’s minds are like sponges, this includes the minds of children who are in the special education setting. Their minds as well are like sponges, however the type and way of absorption is different when it comes to the special education children’s mind. It is totally different from that of a regular student. The child must be waited on, in order for the absorption to be a success, and this will be connected to their disability. However, in the eye of the beholder successful will always be there.
The educational progress expected for disabilities students will clearly be defined from testing assessments. This will also tell if students of this population will be over looked again like before. To better understand students in special education, obstacles have to be overcome. These obstacles can only be seen through several disciplines. Education is a significant discipline related to the matter. Impact of the NCLB guidelines, education is fundamental on special education. Students will be guided through their interpretations, expectations and requirements on their scholastic drive. Another discipline that plays a major role is the psychological perspective. On the impact of the NCLB it will reveal emotional aspects. In special education this discipline is required to give a full enquiry. Management is another discipline that plays a major role. The impact with management will reveal how implementation and interpretation of NCLB will touch a child who is in special education.
The impact special education have on the NCLB is an encounter that is tough to handle. One would really have to have a clear understanding of the issue and an interdisciplinary process enquiry of the problem will have to be developed.
Therefore, in special education a reader will get a successful enquiry on the impact of the NCLB where they can see the exclusive complications that are faced with students.

Gelman, J.A., Pullen, P.L., & Kauffman, J.M. (2004). The meaning of highly qualified and a clear road map to accomplishment. Exceptionality. 12, 195-207.
Heward, W. L. (2009). Exceptional children: An introduction to special education (9thed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill
Lynch, S., & Adams, P. (2008). Developing standards-based individualized education Program objectives for students with significant needs. Teaching Exceptional Children. 40, 36-39.
Martin, E.W., Martin, R., & Terman, D.L. (1996). The legislative and litigation history of Special education. Special Education for Students with Disabilities. 6, 25-39.
Pardini, P. (2002). The History of Special Education. Rethinking Schools, 16, Retrieved February 27, 2008, from

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