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Their Eyes Were Watching God Analysis Essay

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Their Eyes Were Watching God Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston is a coming-of-age novel that shows the transformation of main character, Janie Crawford, from an immature teenage girl to a fully grown woman. In the story, Janie tells her friend Pheoby about her numerous and tiresome adventures that lead her to feeling fulfilled with her life. Over the course of her life Janie marries three men and they all have a profound effect on her. Janie's values and personality are shaped by both the men and the marriages. Hurston demonstrates her characters values through Janie's willingness to sacrifice security for true love and adventure. To begin, Janie's first marriage is arranged by Nanny, her grandmother and caretaker, which sparks feelings of anger and resentment towards her. She is forced …show more content…
This love comes to Janie through Tea Cake, her third and final husband. This marriage fulfilled all her dreams; it was the love she had been dreaming of. She leaves Eatonville with Tea Cake and goes to the Everglades where they start a life together. However, she is more cautious this time, and secretly brings two-hundred dollars with her. While she may her left behind the security of her old home she was not entirely unprepared. Her and Tea Cake stay married for a long time, he is the perfect husband to her, and the problems this time come from nature. To be more specific a flood hits the area. The couple abandon everything they have and escape the area, but not without struggles. Tea Cake is bit by a rabid dog while helping Janie, and unfortunately gets rabies. Janie will not leave him though because she loves him to much. His illness quickly escalates, and she sacrifices her safety because she values her love for him more. In the end Janie has to kill Tea Cake because he attempts to attack her. After she has dealt with the consequences of this she returns to Eatonville to

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