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Their Eyes Were Watching God Title Analysis

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The title of Zora Neale Hurston’s book, Their Eyes Were Watching God, can come off as confusing to some readers, or it may trigger a certain thought process on trying to figure out what the title means. The title, Their Eyes Were Watching God, was only mention verbatim once throughout the entire novel. The title derives from a quote in the novel, “They seems to be staring at the dark, but their eyes were watching God” (Hurston 187). The title, as well as the quote holds a significant meaning to the entire book. One thing to take from the title, is that even though the book is mainly about Janie, is does not say “her” but it says “their” eyes making it known that we as humans (all humans) are susceptible to God and His will. The title symbolizes the fact that we do not have absolute control over our lives and that we look to God for direction and answers. It is easy for us to forget how similar we all are in our vulnerability until we face a situation that is out of our control. Janie’s eyes were watching God because she knows that their lives are in His hands. Only He knows …show more content…
Racial stereotypes in the novel continuously changed and became less "inter-race" discrimination and more "inner-race". While Eatonville served as a platform for black people to escape from the racism present in the rest of the United, it was not lacking in discrimination. Upon the arrival of Joe Starks and Janie to the town, several members of the all-black community question Joe’s aspirations. Even an Eatonville community member voiced that “us colored folks is too envious of one ‘nother,” and that’s why any sort of progress is unlikely (Hurston 46). Furthermore, he says that Even though they are free from white intervention which kept the black race from progressing, it is really the entire black community that keeps any one of its members from moving

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