After reading the article of Arguments by Dr. Elmer Towns, and also watching his video, in my personal opinion, I am inclined to state that the argument strongest to defend the fact that the Bible is the Word of God, would have to be argument number three, which states that the Bible is the proven Word of God because of its predictions not only about Names, Dates, and Events, but also about the Nations, including Israel. I believe that if it were not for God, who lives outside of the human nature’s time limitations, and understanding, and inability to predict the future, there would be no existence of inerrancy in His Word, especially when it comes to the subject of predictions and prophecies. Dr. Towns notes a very interesting aspect, which I had never stopped to think about. He states on page 49 that “The enemies of Scripture usually do not attack the fact of fulfilled prophecy. They usually try to explain it away. “
The Bible does not only talk of names, such as Cyrus, or Josiah, whom were predicted by their exact names more than one hundred years before their births, but the Bible goes further, to predict the main theme of God’s Word; the Messiah. These prophecies of the Messiah go into enough detail to state the location, the date, and the fact of a supernatural virginal birth. Not only does the Bible speak of Jesus’ birth, but His life on earth, His death, and ultimately, His resurrection (Towns, 49, 50).
In conclusion, the question of The Bible being God’s word is easily proven, for me personally, due to the argument of Fulfilled Prophecy. Dr. Towns quotes Wilbur Smith statement about prophecy: “Mohammedanism cannot point to any prophecies of the coming of Mohammed uttered hundreds of years before his birth. Neither can the founders of any cult in this country rightly identify any ancient text