...Theory of Justice Analysis Conception and reality often clash when applied to everyday. In the most optimal society justice is served by punishing criminals so that law abiding citizens can live their lives in peace. The reality is that criminals receive punishments that are less than justice demands and the non-criminals are cheated. This short paper examines justice theories, the utilitarian view, modern justice view and the security based justice. It is important to consider individual justice, mob justice and societal justice as separate institutions. To better understand these institutions the next section explains justice theories. Justice Theories In this section two types of justice will be discussed: Rawl's Theory of Justice as Fairness and Libertarianism. Rawls focused on a hypothetical model in order to describe his form of justice. In this hypothetical model individuals are required to choose fundamental principles of basic institutions of a given society (Ilstu). The result choices made by the members of this society will be both fair and just. The two principles are as follows: Equal Liberty and Difference. "The Equal Liberty Principle states each person is to have the maximum civil liberties compatible with the same liberty for all (Ilstu)". These would be the principles of the United States Constitution; all American citizens are privileged to receive full civil liberties based on the laws of the land. "The Difference Principle states inequalities...
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...Determine whether it was wrong for Winn-Dixie to fire Pete Oiler, in light of the theories: Utilitarianism, Rights, Justice, Caring and Virtue. Conclude by presenting your own judgment of the issue and your estimation of which theory was most appropriate for this problem. State your reasons for your judgment and estimation. Directions for the Case Analysis paper 1. NO OUTSIDE RESEARCH, do not attempt to change the facts in light of further research (on line or via more traditional media). Assume the facts are as presented in the case (as I certainly will). 2. Please organize the paper in the following manner (page nos. are guides, not requirements or limits), with each new topic beginning on a new page: A. Cover Page (Name, Class, Summer 2012)– 1 page B. Introduction (identifying the key facts and issues in the case) – 2-3 pages C. Utilitarianism (2-3 pages) a. Elements (addressing the theory that is used for utilitarian analysis) b. Application (your reasoning about whether it was wrong for Winn-Dixie to fire Pete Oiler based on utilitarianism perspectives) D. Rights (2-3 pages) a. Elements (addressing the Kant’s theory that is used for rights analysis) b. Application (your reasoning about whether it was wrong for Winn-Dixie to fire Pete Oiler based on Kant’s perspectives) E. Justice (2-3 pages) a. Elements (addressing the John Rawls’ theory that is used for justice analysis) b. Application (your reasoning about whether it was wrong for Winn-Dixie...
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...pp. 267-299). New York: Academic Press. Antonakis, J., & House, R. J. (2002). The full range leadership theory: The way forward. In B. J. Avolio & F. J. Yammarino (Eds.), Transformational and charismatic leadership: The road ahead (pp. 3–33). Boston: JAI Elsevier Science. Aquino, K. (1995). Relationships among pay inequity, perceptions of procedural justice, and organizational citizenship. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 8, 21-33 Avolio, B. J., & Bass, B. M. (1987). Transformational leadership, charisma, and beyond. In J.G. Hunt et al. (Eds.), Emerging leadership vistas. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books. Avolio, B. J., Bass, B. M. and Jung, D. I. (1997). Replicated Confirmatory Factor Analyses of the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire, Center f or Leadership Studies, Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY. Avolio, B. J., Zhu, W., Koh, W., & Bhatia, P. (2004). Transformational leadership and organizational commitment: Mediating role of psychological empowerment and moderating role of structural distance. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 25(8), 951–968. Retrieved February 16, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database. Barak, M. E. M., Nissly, J. A., & Levin, A. (2001). Antecedents to turnover and retention among child welfare, social work, and other human service employees: What can we learn from past research? A review and meta-analysis. The Social Service Review, 7(4), 625–661. Retrieved April 19, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database. Bass...
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...Hate Crime Analysis According to "The United States Department of Justice" (2014), “Hate crime is the violence of intolerance and bigotry, intended to hurt and intimidate someone because of their race, ethnicity, national origin, religious, sexual orientation, or disability” (para. 3). This hate crime analysis will provide a brief description as to what specific factors serve as a basis for victimization. Specific case examples and restorative justice models will be assessed. Benefits and challenges of the use of restorative justice will be discussed, and contemporary research instruments to measure the victimization of gays and lesbians will be the focus. Lastly, the identification of the criminological theory that explains the victimization of the chosen group. Over the years, dominant groups, and communities with similar cultures and beliefs have asserted their prejudices on other groups believing differently. Many times these assertions or acts of power similarly resemble the power-control and gender-based theories. Groups that assert power or control over individuals by intimidation or violence can be known labeled as hate groups. The last few decades have brought about a voice for civil rights, a fight for women’s rights, and a surge of protests for gay and lesbian rights. These protests further fuel a loathing and hostility by these hate groups. Victimization Factors The victimization of gays, lesbians, and bisexuals are the focus of this analysis. Sexual orientation...
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...Future of the Juvenile Justice System The future of the juvenile justice system is uncertain. There is a struggle to try a find a way to serve the needs of the juvenile delinquents and issue them a punishment for violating the law. In order to improve the direction of the juvenile justice system, recommendations are needed regarding community involvement, law enforcement, courts, corrections, and the private sector. These recommendations address issues that the system is currently facing and offers solutions for the future. A justification of the system is also offered based on the histories, trends and causation theories. Community Involvement Community involvement is an important aspect of the juvenile justice system. Police form communities ties through their involvement and contact with those in the community. Juvenile attitudes and perceptions of police are based on several issues. Weakened community ties, fear of crime, and higher levels of strain contribute and create negative juvenile attitudes towards law enforcement. Individuals that do not have contact with the police tend to have the highest perception of law enforcement. In an analysis of juvenile attitudes, it was found that juveniles that had contact with police through prevention programs had similar attitudes towards the police as those that had no contact with law enforcement (Brick, Taylor, & Esbensen, 2009, p. 493). Adjudicated youth with disabilities transitioning back into the community are also...
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...until December 2017, during which time 562 youth were referred. The recidivism rates for each program type were calculated 24 weeks post diversion program through self-administered surveys as well as a review of court cases and a statewide warrant check. I. Introduction The juvenile justice system was created...
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...Rawlsian Theory of Justice 2 2. Analysis of Sen’s Idea of Justice 3 2.1. Theoretical Versus Practical Approach 3 2.2. Niti and Nyaya’s Model in Sen’s Framework of Justice 4 2.3 Capability Approach in Sen’s Theory of Justice 4 Conclusion 6 Bibliography 7 Abstract Amartya Kumar Sen’s thought on justice are groundbreaking in our pluralistic society. The question could be why? To my mind, Sen constructs theory of justice basing on the social injustices encountered due to structural and cultural backgrounds. He concentrates on the practical application of transcendental theories of justice in building a more just society based on enhancement of capabilities (real opportunities and freedoms). We can say a society that focuses on promotion of people’s freedom in the Sen’s framework moves towards achieving justice. Introduction Amartya Kumar Sen is a renown Indian economist, philosopher, developmental ethicist and a first Asian to receive a Nobel Prize in Economics. His book Idea of Justice and Development as Freedom have made a new paradigm shifting as regards welfare and wellbeing of individuals in the society. Sen propounds for a practical approach of justice that is concerned with eliminating forms of injustices in the society. It is here that Sen develops capability approach as an evaluative tool in the just society, whereby social justice addresses structural forms of discrimination. His thoughts on justice tend towards positive consequences of the theories of justice...
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...individual-level cultural values on social exchange relationships involving organizational justice and organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) in Pakistani organizations Samina Quratulain* Abdul Karim Khan* CERGAM, Université Paul Cézanne Aix-Marseille-III, France ABSTRACT The relationships among employee’s work related variables, cultural variables and OCB are investigated in Pakistani work setting. Based on the review of literature it has been observed that perceived organizational justice (procedural, distributive & interactional justice) is an important antecedent of OCB. This study intends to extend the previous research by assessing the validity of social exchange theory within Pakistan where norms of reciprocity (social exchange ideology) may play a lesser role in social exchange relationships. The primary objective of the study will be to compare the influence of individual differences in values using Hofstede’s cultural value framework (collectivism-individualism, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity-femininity, Power distance) as moderators of generally well established positive relationships between OCB & employee’s perception of organizational justice. The results will provide insights into the influences of employees value differences on relationships established in management literature. Keywords: Organizational citizenship behaviour; Individual-level cultural values; Perceived Organizational Justice, Social Exchange Relationships Authors are Doctoral candidates at IAE Aix...
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...Concerning as one of the most salient issues amongst organizations is performance management issue. Increasingly, researches have indicated that many problems have triggered whilst the systems are implemented. The noticeable performance reward issue is the recognition fairness of the performance reward systems. According to CIPD Employee Outlook Survey (2013), employees are experiencing the unfairness every day in the workplace and 20 per cent of this perception emerged from problems related pay which was ranked the first in the survey. The state of feeling of being treated unfairly is corresponding to lowered job performance, withdrawal behaviors, decreased co-operation with co-workers, and reduced work quality (Cropanzano and Greenberg 1997; Folger and Cropanzano 1998). A voluminous body of literature suggests that the perception of fairness, integrity and sensitivity will respond with high engagement, and a increase in productivity (CIPD, 2013). Since 1990s, the recognition of fairness has been brought to the attention of managers and deeply discussed then. Adding value to this concept is the study of Dr.Koonmee, which was conducted in two Thailand parliament secretariat offices in 2011. Notwithstanding its undeniable advantages, the research hardy avoided limitations and drawbacks. Thus, this review will briefly examine and discuss the article from diverse perspectives to gain the whole picture of fairness influencing on incentive satisfaction. Despite to what extent...
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...think that Utilitarianism provides the foundation for Justice and why does Rawls reject it? Introduction The concept of utilitarianism is one that has engulfed the philosophical arena with an obscene number of arguments that support and/or criticize it. Generally, utilitarianism is a theory in normative ethics that defines an action as one that ensures maximum utility. Other schools of thought would like to put it as the concept of “maximizing happiness while reducing suffering” (Mills 3).In as much as utilitarianism has continued to receive applause from people and the political scene, other divergent scholars has come up with other theories that seek to compromise the philosophies under which the concept of utilitarianism operates. As a result, utilitarianism has become subject to contradictions from other theories in the field of ethics. The thinking class in other fields of utilitarianism characterizes in as a quantitative yet reductionist approach to ethics (Mills 3). Over time, the concept of utilitarianism has received ideological threats from; deontological ethics which does not assign moral worth to an action based on its consequences, virtue ethics that solely deals with action and habits that results to happiness, pragmatic ethics and other forms of ethics that backs the idea of consequentialism. In a nut shell, the concept of utilitarianism as defined by political philosophers and in relation to justice is becoming a “battlefield” where the philosophical bigwigs...
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...\documentclass[a4paper]{report} \begin{document} \title{Justice-based Ethics and its Applications} \author{Leo Huang} \date{2017-11} \maketitle \tableofcontents \newpage \chapter{An introduction to the Justice-based Ethics} \section{Preface} Ethical frameworks are an important part of human societies, from the most primitive societies of the past, to the most advanced societies of the future. Although we may not be aware of their effects, ethical frameworks guide our every action, our every decision, and our every thought, driving the immeasurably complex machine that is the human society. Many ethical frameworks operate on the personal level, and dictate only whether a single person should act - how the actions of one person can be ethical...
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...Influence Their Followers' Motivation Through Organizational Justice Carl Deschamps, researcher, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, and Solvay Brussels SchoolEconomics and Management, Brussels, Belgium; Natalie Rinfret, PhD, CRHA, professor, Ecole nationale d ‘administration publique, Chaire La Capitale en leadership dans le secteur public, Quebec, Canada; Marie Claude Lagace, researcher, Ecole nationale d'administration publique, Chaire La Capitale en leadership dans le secteur public; and Catherine Prive, researcher, CRHA, Alia Conseil Inc., Quebec, Canada E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y In the past decade, the reform of Quebec's healthcare establishments has resulted in a reduction in the number of institutions through mergers and closures. In this report, we investigate the consequences of reform by looking at managers' motiva tions and related mitigating factors. We examine the influence that transformational leaders have on their employees' motivation through organizational justice. Using a survey of 253 healthcare managers, we describe how the positive impact of transfor mational leadership on motivation is fully mediated via different aspects of organiza tional justice. The results indicate that while transformational leaders influence each type of organizational justice, followers' motivation is affected primarily by proce dural and interpersonal justice and little by distributive justice. For more information about the concepts in this article...
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...Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2005. 56:485–516 doi: 10.1146/annurev.psych.55.090902.142105 Copyright c 2005 by Annual Reviews. All rights reserved First published online as a Review in Advance on June 21, 2004 WORK MOTIVATION THEORY AND RESEARCH AT THE DAWN OF THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY Gary P. Latham Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Ontario M5S 3E6; email: latham@rotman.utoronto.ca Craig C. Pinder Faculty of Business, University of Victoria, British Columbia V8W 2Y2; email: cpinder@uvic.ca Key Words needs, values, goals, affect, behavior ■ Abstract In the first Annual Review of Psychology chapter since 1977 devoted exclusively to work motivation, we examine progress made in theory and research on needs, traits, values, cognition, and affect as well as three bodies of literature dealing with the context of motivation: national culture, job design, and models of person-environment fit. We focus primarily on work reported between 1993 and 2003, concluding that goal-setting, social cognitive, and organizational justice theories are the three most important approaches to work motivation to appear in the last 30 years. We reach 10 generally positive conclusions regarding predicting, understanding, and influencing work motivation in the new millennium. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MOTIVATIONAL FRAMEWORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
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...Moral and Ethics Name of the Student Institutional Affiliation Morals and Ethics Two of the most influential ethical theories that have been studied in this module include Mill’s Utilitarianism and Kant’s duty-based theory. The aim of this essay is to weigh each of these two ethical theories. The analysis conducted will then be used to determine which of the two theories is applicable in day-to-day life. An explanation for the belief will also be presented. Utilitarian theory of J. S. Mill Utilitarianism was initiated by John Stuart Mill. It refers to an essay that supports utilitarianism as a moral theory. It also responds to the various misconceptions that individuals have concerning utilitarianism. According to Mill, the principle behind utilitarianism is that actions are only right if they are aimed at bringing happiness and wrong if they result in the opposite of happiness (Mill, 2009). In his regard, Mill claims that happiness exists in the presence of pleasures and absence of pain. Pleasure differs in terms of quality and quantity. Some of the ways that count as one’s happiness include achievement of personal goals and virtuous living. Mill also claims that utilitarianism is a result of the various sentiments that are caused by the social nature of human beings. As such, a society that embraces utilitarianism as its ethic standard would be bound by such standards and morals that...
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...especially : investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws" ("Research," 2012). It's said that research is one of the most important processes in the field of criminal justice. There are many ways to complete research which can cause the process of research to take the most time. This paper will discuss the different methods and the different terminology that is used in the criminal justice system. There are two common methods that are used in the criminal justice system and they are the qualitative and quantitative methods. As part of the readings, it was determined that there are so many different methods for researching. However, some of these research methods have never been heard of or people don't know anything about them. There are several steps that would need to be taken in order to complete the entire research cycle. The first term that will be discussed is Scientific Research, which means it's the "research into questions posed by scientific theories and hypothesis" ("Scientific Research," 2011). The most common research method that is used today is the scientific research method, which is used highly in the criminal justice system. Just about every aspect of the criminal justice system revolves around science. Doing research 50 years ago was a lot more difficult than it is now because of the...
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