...IMPACT OF REWARD SYSTEM ON EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION A QUANTITAVE STUDY OF GLOBAL COMPANIES Programme Code & Name: Session: Subject Code & Name: Assignment Title: Student’s Names & ID: o Nguyen Vu Minh An o Li Jia o Dai Hairong o Hue Shin Yen o Zhangshan o Daiwei Class Section: Lecturer: Submission Date: I13003385 I12002184 I12002129 I13003254 I12002130 I12002099 5A1 Ms. Yalini Easvaralingam 12th Aug, 2013 MBADI–Master of Business Administration May 2013 MGT6208 – Statistic and Decision Analysis Group Assignment 1 Group assignment MGT Table of Contents ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................................... 3 CHAPTER 1: INDTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... 3 1.1 Problem statement ........................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Research Objectives ........................................................................................................ 5 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................... 5 2.1 Employee motivation ...................................................................................................... 5 2.2 Reward management system ........................................................................................... 7 2.3 Effects of financial and non-financial reward system...
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...Employee performance -vs- reward system GM591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior Professor Vicki Boone Chartis Insurance is a world leader in insurance who can trace their roots back 90 years when an American entrepreneur named C.V. Starr founded Chartis. What began as a small insurance business grew to become one of the world’s largest companies. Their fundamental strength lies in the 40,000 employees who service more than 70 million clients around the world. Chartis delivers commercial and personal insurance though hundreds of innovative products and services. Commercial Insurance’s products and services are provided to the full spectrum of enterprises from all around the world, from large, multinational, and mid-sized companies to small business, entrepreneurs, and non-profit organizations. Chartis Insurance serves commercial, institutional and individual customers through extensive property-casualty and life insurance networks. Chartis Insurance operates through five (four core and one non-core) divisions: life insurance and retirement services, general insurance, financial services, asset management, and other operations. By the end of 2007 Chartis Insurance had assets of approximately $1 trillion, $110 billion in annual revenues, 74 million customers and 116,000 employees in 130 countries and jurisdictions. (About Us) Within Chartis Insurance I am currently a Foreign Casualty Insurance Underwriter. I protect individuals and/or organizations from...
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...Effect of Employee Engagement In Reward Systems and Performance Management Introduction The success of any organization rests on the strategic management of its employees. It’s vital for an organization to attract, motivate and retain the best talent available to achieve and sustain a long-term competitive advantage. To achieve this the Human Resources Department must design a performance management system that not only links employee performance outcomes and expectations to its strategic goals, but also uses the system as a tool to improve employee productivity as well as recognizing employee accomplishments, all while emphasizing the employee’s role in the process. The challenging part is motivating the employee to increase and sustain productive behavior. An organization’s reward system can be used as a motivational tool if the rewards being offered are considered valuable by the employee. A valued reward system can positively affect an employee’s performance. Organizations use pay, benefits, compensation and other rewards as effective performance management instruments to enhance employee productivity so goals can be achieved. So, how does an organization choose the reward system it offers? This paper will focus on the hypothesis that employee engagement in choosing a valued reward system will positively effect performance management and subsequent employee success. Assessment An effective employee reward system is an integral part of the employer/employee relationship...
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...Employee reward system refers to programs set up by a company to reward performance and motivate employees on individual and / or group levels. They are considered separate from salary but may be monetary in nature or otherwise have a cost to the company. A reward system consists of financial rewards (fixed and variable pay) and employee benefits, which together comprise total remuneration. The system also incorporates non financial rewards (recognition, praise, achievement, responsibility and personal growth) and, in many cases, performance management processes. Employees are motivated by both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, to be effective, the reward system must recognize both sources of motivation. All reward system is based on the assumptions of attracting, retaining and motivating people. Financial rewards are an important component of the reward system, but there are other factors that motivate employees and influence the levels of performance. An increase in reducing payroll costs would demotivated the employees thus the organizational objectives would not be achieved due to less work force. Due to the reduction of payroll costs some employers will be forced to use their profitable units to cover loses of uneconomical units. The reward practices and policies are linked through an employees’ point of view where the reward management should take into account of the aspirations, expectations and needs of employees as stakeholders in the organization. Considerations...
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...increase employee motivation using rewards can sometimes be a daunting task for managers. But it shouldn't be. When armed with the right information and the proper techniques, managers can be experts at enhancing motivation using rewards in no time. Mangers who are developing, revamping or currently implementing an employee rewards program should consider these 20 tips: 1. Involve all employees in the development, implementation and revision of rewards programs Involving all employees (or representatives from different positions) will encourage communication between employees and management about the rewards process. It will also ensure that both employees and upper management are onboard with the reward system. 2. Ensure that employees view the rewards as worth the effort Including employees in the reward program development process is critical to ensuring that they value the rewards and see them as worth the effort. Managers should value employee input and select rewards accordingly. Employees who see the rewards as worth the effort will be more motivated to work hard to obtain them. 3. Make sure that employees understand how to earn the rewards Managers should clearly delineate how employees can earn rewards. When employees have a comprehensive understanding of what is expected of them, they will be more capable of achieving performance standards. 4. Set reasonable and transparent performance standards for rewards Employees must see the rewards as attainable...
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...Human Resource Management is defined by Boxall et al (2007) as the management of people and work towards desired outcome. The activities involved should be designed in such a way as to ensure effective and efficient use of human talent to accomplish organisational goals. Boselie et al (2005) also places emphasis on gaining ‘added value’ through the strategic development of its resources preferably its staff. To achieve this, “Poacher” and “Gamekeeper” methods would be utilised. “Poacher” can be defined as offering an individual a job who is already employed or to entice them to quit their employment. It is considered as ‘buying talent’ rather than the organisation training to develop its existing staff. Many organisations such as Investment banks poach experienced and competent persons from reputable organisation, where junior professionals are promised higher remuneration and the opportunity to pursue their MBA in business administration. Poaching is achieved by offering a competitive pay package to an individual who may not get this offering from current employer. Organisations who poach attempts to get the individual they desire, so they set high standards in terms of better contract and as such weakens the competitive strength of opponents. An article in the Electronic Recruiters Exchange by Dr. John Sullivan suggested that poaching proactively targets employing uppermost talent from top organisation. It allows the organisation to acquire persons who possess...
Words: 2018 - Pages: 9
...A Study of the Interaction of Employment Relationships and Employee Rewards Systems in Two Unionised Private Sector Organisations. Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University. This version was downloaded from Northumbria Research Link: ht tp://nrl.northumbria.ac.uk/4415/ Northumbria University has developed Northumbria Research Link (NRL) to enable users to access the University’s research output. Copyright © and moral r ights for i tems on NRL are retained by the individual author(s) and/or other copyright owners. Single copies of full i tems can be reproduced, displayed or performed, and given to third parties in any format or medium for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-profit purposes without prior permission or charge, provided the authors, ti t le and full bibliographic details are given, as well as a hyperlink and/or URL to the original metadata page. The content must not be changed in any way. Full i tems must not be sold commercially in any format or medium without formal permission of the copyright holder. The full policy is available online: http://nrl.northumbria.ac.uk/policies.html REWARDING RELATIONSHIPS: A STUDY OF THE INTERACTION OF EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIPS AND EMPLOYEE REWARDS SYSTEMS IN TWO UNIONISED PRIVATE SECTOR ORGANISATIONS NICK CREABY-ATTWOOD PhD 2010 REWARDING RELATIONSHIPS: A STUDY OF THE INTERACTION OF EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIPS AND EMPLOYEE REWARDS SYSTEMS IN TWO UNIONISED PRIVATE SECTOR ORGANISATIONS NICK...
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...companies are faced with the challenge of increasing the level of employee commitment, job satisfaction and motivation (Greene, 2001). In this regard, it is important for companies to take into consideration the impact of employee needs, morale and expectations and to negotiate appropriate work arrangements for motivating employees as part of performance recognition. The following paper presents a discussion on the importance of employee motivation in the workplace. The discussion is mainly based on literature review and points that employee motivation is necessary for improved work performance. The paper has explored the important contributing played by work-life balance and financial incentives in improving employee motivation. The research indicates that the two factors foster loyalty by employees, increased performance and commitment, which are essential indications of motivation. The concept of Employee Motivation and Rewards Most discussions of motivation begin with the concept of individual needs – the unfulfilled physiological or psychological desires of an individual. Content theories of motivation use individual needs to explain the behaviours and attitudes of people at work. The basic logic is straightforward. People have needs. They engage in behaviours to obtain extrinsic and intrinsic regards rewards to satisfy needs (Schermerhorn et al, 2011). According to Jenkins, Mitra, Gupta and Shaw (2001) employee motivation is an intrinsic drive and enthusiasm to successfully...
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...with company profit. Namely: employees, suppliers, customers, competitors, government agencies, clams, public entities and others. In my ideal company, all decisions made by owners are reasonable business decision. This decisions work for the good of everyone in the company and respond positively to those following: they are the only ones alternatively, are fair to all concerned, will create goodwill in the organization. Ideal company is one which gives its employees the opportunity to develop creative approaches in order to increase the profitability of the business while working towards the prosperity of society. Not only does an employee expect monetary rewards from an organization but also recognition for their hard work. Also, I dream to work in such an organization where the organization takes into consideration their work and reward them for it. My ideal company has to have a very comprehensive compensation package. I believe that those individuals that produce extra – ordinary results and are terrific ambassadors of company culture should be rewarded accordingly. These individuals are the most valuable assets of the...
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...with company profit. Namely: employees, suppliers, customers, competitors, government agencies, clams, public entities and others. In my ideal company, all decisions made by owners are reasonable business decision. This decisions work for the good of everyone in the company and respond positively to those following: they are the only ones alternatively, are fair to all concerned, will create goodwill in the organization. Ideal company is one which gives its employees the opportunity to develop creative approaches in order to increase the profitability of the business while working towards the prosperity of society. Not only does an employee expect monetary rewards from an organization but also recognition for their hard work. Also, I dream to work in such an organization where the organization takes into consideration their work and reward them for it. My ideal company has to have a very comprehensive compensation package. I believe that those individuals that produce extra – ordinary results and are terrific ambassadors of company culture should be rewarded accordingly. These individuals are the most valuable assets of the...
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...Resources Management Prof. X February 19, 2012 Xcel Energy Pays for Employees Who Excel In an effort to generate high performance, Xcel Energy implemented a reward program that paid employees who submitted useful suggestions. Unfortunately, no one thought to evaluate and measure the benefits these useful ideas had to the overall mission and vision of the company. Xcel decided that merit pay can support the company’s strategy better than paying for suggestions. Have they arrived at the best conclusion? What can Xcel do to incite favorable submissions that are parallel with the company’s strategy and have a positive response from employees? It may be in Xcel’s best interest to hire a consultant to make suggestions that would ensure merit pay is an effective incentive program. Merit Pay vs. Payment for Suggestions A merit pay system would be a better option for Xcel as oppose to paying employees for ideas. The merit pay system gives the highest pay to the best performer which is still in line with the company’s goal to link rewards to performance. Additionally, it doesn’t limit employees to developing favorable concepts for the company. Employees that excel above their job description are rewarded and their excellent performance serves an example to other employees that the company rewards their top performers. Paying for suggestions was not a bad idea it’s the lack of evaluating the idea and how compatible it is to the company’s strategy is where is went...
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...Geico total rewards program align with the five (5) top advantages of a total rewards program outlined in Chapter 2 of the textbook and discuss your reasoning. The Facets of the Geico total rewards program that aligns with the five top advantages of a total rewards program that is outlined in chapter 2 of the textbook is time off and leave, Geico’s total rewards program’s package, associate assistance program (AAP), family and life benefits, and health and wellbeing program. Chapter 2 in the WorldatWork Handbook of Compensation, Benefits & Total Rewards has increased flexibility listed as one of the top five advantages of a total rewards approach. Geico’s time off and leave, and family and life programs are aligned with the increased flexibility approach in that they allow their employees paid vacation and holidays, sick and leave time, dependent care FSA, adoption assistance, long-term care insurance plan, and associate assistance program (AAP), which includes three phone and/or in-person counseling sessions at no cost. The family and life benefits include: work-life balance programs, "baby welcome" program; day care and elder care referrals, counseling for stress, anxiety and depression, and financial counseling, aid during crisis situations and legal consultation. Geico realizes that their employees need time off and programs to help make their work-life experience a little easier as in having a balance between the two (WorldatWork, 2007). Geico’s total rewards program...
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...development, compensation, and succession plans. No matter what process your company uses, all review processes have a lifecycle. A lifecycle is the sum of all the phases that make up your company’s review process from start to finish. Typically, one phase flows into another until the process is complete. For example, a general lifecycle might include four main phases that flow as follows: ◾1 : The initial Planning Phase at the beginning of the fiscal year that allows a manager and employee to determine what content to include in the performance appraisal form. ◾2 : Followed in a few months by a Progress Check Phase where the manager and the employee meet to touch-base on their progress to date. ◾3 : Followed in another few months by the Assessment Phase, in which the manager and employee use the appraisal form to evaluate the employee based on the exhibited accomplishments of the year. ◾ 4 : Followed by the final Analysis Phase, in which the manager determines the reward and compensation based on data gathered during the Assessment Phase. How SuccessFactors fits into your company review process SuccessFactors is designed to work with your company's review process, with the review process as the focal point and SuccessFactors as the tool that facilitates the implementation. SuccessFactors supports and automates review logistics, such as routing, workflow, permissions, roles, and data security. However, SuccessFactors doesn't prescribe a review process;...
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...Success Qualification Period, begins on July 1, 2011, at 12:00 AM ET and ends on July 31, 2011, at 11:59 PM ET (“Sprint to Success Qualification Period”). The second qualification period, the Participation and Overall Qualification Period, begins on July 1, 2011, at 12:00 AM ET, and ends on August 31, 2011, at 11:59 PM ET (“Participation and Overall Qualification Period”). Beachbody LLC’s (“Sponsor”) computer is the official time-keeping device for the Challenge Period and each Qualification Period. 2. Challenge Description: In the Success Club Team Challenge 2011 (“Team Challenge” or “Challenge”), Sponsor invites Coaches to join into teams and compete for individual and team rewards, as set forth herein. In addition to meeting all other terms herein, to be eligible for the Challenge and Challenge rewards, Coaches must form and register a team comprised of five (5) Coaches; however, each team may include only two team members who have achieved a lifetime rank of Diamond or above, and only one of those two team members may have achieved a lifetime rank of Star Diamond or above (“Team”). Lifetime ranks for Team membership purposes will be evaluated based on each Team member’s status at the close of the bonus week ending on June 29, 2011. Teams must be registered by their Team Captain by June 30, 2011 at 11:59 PM Pacific Time at www.regonline.com/teamchallenge. Following registration, Teams will...
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...Table of contents 1. Introduction _____________________________________________ 2 1.1 Context ______________________________________________ 2 2. Selection and Recruitment _________________________________ 2 2.1 Selection _____________________________________________ 2 2.2 Recruitment ___________________________________________ 3 3. Training and Development _________________________________ 3 3.1 Training ______________________________________________ 3 3.2 Development __________________________________________ 4 4. Reward and Incentives ____________________________________ 4 4.1 Reward ______________________________________________ 4 4.2 Incentives_____________________________________________ 5 5. HR professionals support line managers and their staff _________ 5 5.1 Department Staffing_____________________________________ 5 5.2 Workforce Strategy _____________________________________ 6 5.2 Performance Management ______________________________ 6 6. Conclusion _____________________________________________ 6 7. Appendices _____________________________________________ 7 1. Introduction 1.1 Context Every business is driven by its workforces. Accordingly, operative HR strategies are critical to guarantee productivity and maximum success. Human resources experts play a significant role with respect to coming up with the right approaches to support organizational track but they must have the skills to think beyond the strategies to identify the high level...
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