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Theory of Rejecting Superior, New Technologies


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International Trade Law

1. The selection of an alternative dispute resolution mechanism is particularly pertinent in international trade cases because the parties are, by definition, domiciled in different nation states (Chuah, 2009). Since an agreement must therefore be reached on choice of law issues, it is common for parties to consider stepping outside standard litigation processes altogether and instead stipulating for arbitration to take place (Neipert, 2002).

Arbitration offers several advantages over litigation. Typically, it is less expensive than litigation, since fewer legal professionals are required. It is also perceived to lead to a speedier resolution of disputes due to decreased formality, the removal of the need to schedule around the timetable of the formal court system, and, typically, the absence of a right of appeal (Schmitthoff, 2007). Arbitration allows the parties to control a number of variables in the dispute resolution process through prior agreement (Mustill & Boyd, 2008). These include the choice of an arbitrator with specialist knowledge of the relevant area, the scope of the arbitration, the location of arbitration and the choice of law. In addition, arbitration is a private rather than public procedure and therefore will not be subject to public record: this is likely to be advantageous if the subject matter is particularly damaging to public image of company. By contrast, many of these same factors may prove disadvantageous to the parties in a different factual scenario. The lack of a right to appeal may become a disadvantage if the arbitrator makes an error of fact, or the arbitrator appointed is not as impartial as

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Decision Making

...S A BRIEF HISTORY OF DECISION MAKING BY L E I G H B UC H A N A N A N D A N D R E W O ’ CO N N E L L RANDY LYHUS Humans have perpetually sought new tools and insights to help them make decisions. From entrails to artificial intelligence, what a long, strange trip it’s been. SOMETIME IN THE MIDST OF THE LAST CENTURY, Chester Barnard, a retired telephone executive and author of The Functions of the Executive, imported the term “decision making” from the lexicon of public administration into the business world. There it began to replace narrower descriptors such as “resource allocation” and “policy making.” 34 | Chances Are The dicey history of risk 36 | The Meeting of Minds The power and perils of group decision making 38 | Thinking Machines The real intelligence behind AI 40 | The Romance of the Gut The appeal of leaders who just do it The introduction of that phrase changed how managers thought about what they did and spurred a new crispness of action and desire for conclusiveness, argues William Starbuck, professor in residence at the University of Oregon’s Charles H. Lundquist College of Business.“Policy making could go on and on endlessly, and there are always resources to be allocated,” he explains.“‘Decision’ implies the end of deliberation and the beginning of action.” So Barnard–and such later theorists as James March, Herbert Simon, and Henry Mintzberg– laid the foundation for the study of managerial decision making...

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