...Abortion should continue to be a legalised surgical procedure. After much discussion abortion has finally become legalised in most countries, but was it the right choice to make? Abortion is the greatest cause of death in NSW and many women regret ever having an abortion. Many women suffer from pain and discomfort from the result of an abortion, when they could easily save their babies life and continue on with theirs, by putting it up for adoption. There are many women out there who continue to have abortions. It is the safest surgical procedure and if abortion became illegal it would result in even more deaths. Unwanted babies can ruin not only teenagers but many other women’s careers, sometimes resulting in an unsuccessful life. Abortion has and continues to be a major issue in society that clearly needs to be resolved. Each year there are sixty to seventy million abortions which occur worldwide, eighty thousand of those occur in Australia and forty thousand occur in New South Wales alone. Forty-one percent of deaths that occur in Australia are caused from having abortions, this makes it the greatest cause of death in Australia. The first place that a baby lives is in the womb. Although it may seem very safe and secure for the baby, it is actually the most dangerous place for an Australian to live. Eight-hundred abortions are performed each week in New South Wales and ninety-eight percent of those are done for convenience. Sometimes teenagers may not want their parents to...
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...III December 7, 2014 Abortion Abortion occurs all over the world. The human race foremost instinct is the preservation of life. This instinct has been forgotten since the legalization of abortion. With this being said more than fifty-six million of unborn babies have been killed (10 Reasons Why Abortion is Evil & Not a 'Pro-Choice'). Each abortion killing a doctor, singer, scientist, or an actress. Although many believe abortion is safe and not an act of murder, it is not for it is a very unregulated industry. Also, the human being life cycle starts at the moment of conception, so not only does abortion end pregnancy but a life as well. Abortion is unsafe and an act of murder that should be stopped. There...
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...Abortion Abortion happens when an unborn baby’s life ends. About 200 million women get pregnant every year. During the same time 44 million abortions are carried out around the world. Fortunately, the abortion ratehas gone down because more and more people, especially in developing countries, are receiving a better sexual education. Better family planning also leads to fewer abortions. History of abortion Abortions have been performed for thousands of years. The ancient Romans and Greeks were not veryconcerned about the lives of unborn babies. In the Old Testament women had to pay a fine if they had amiscarriage. Abortion laws have changed in most of the western world throughout the past centuries. Types of Abortion Spontaneous abortions happen naturally. Doctors call them miscarriages. They occur for many reasons, for example, because of a disease that a pregnant woman might get or a horrible event that occurred to her. In an induced abortion the fetus is taken out of a mother’s body on purpose. Methods of Abortion In many cases doctors perform abortions through operations. In a very common method the unborn baby issucked out of a mother’s womb with a tube. An abortion can also be carried out with drugs. RU-486, a drug that was developed in France stops a natural hormone from preparing a woman from bearing a child. In some cases doctors use other methods and drugs to end a pregnancy. As a result the unborn babypasses out of a female body. In most countries...
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...Mr. Hernandez May 1, 2015 Abortion After the Supreme Court's sweeping abortion decisions in 1973, striking down most of the then-existing state legislation restricting abortion, a conservative reaction began taking place. Ever since 1973 if a mother kills an unborn child before its born for any reason she wants, she will not be charged for killing since the Supreme Court made it legal. Does the Catholic Church believe its right? Worldwide there are 46 million abortions a year meaning 115,000 per day. The pregnant woman who is poor seeks abortion because she can not take care of herself and the children she has. Most of the pregnant women helped by the Women's Medical Fund have children—many with two or...
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...Jennifer Cedillos October 30, 2014 Abortion The word abortion by definition means the induced expulsion of a fetus from the womb before it is able to survive. Abortion is an extremely controversial issue because while some people are against it, some believe it is a womans choice. Many people think that abortion an inhumane process, due to fact that it takes away the opportunity to live to a human being. Why is abortion bad, and why it shouldn’t be legalized? There are many arguments as to why it shouldn’t be legalized. Some are for and some are against abortion, which in many cases it makes us question the decision to be the correct one. To get a better idea on the topic, we need to pay more attention and look closely on all the point of views. Which are that abortion should be considered murder and with time a lot of women can use it as a form of birth control. Why should abortion be considered a crime? If abortion is legalized then murder should legal too. Abortion is immoral because it is intentional killing of a human being. It is a well known fact that life begins at the moment of conception. When an abortion is performed the life of an innocent child is taken. Abortion in many cases is used as a method to solve a problem. It is not correct because it is violating the rights of a human being who doesn’t have the option of choosing to live or not. Why deny the unborn child its right to live and experience the world. Also why should the childs father...
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...Riley English 102 Professor Douglas Belmore 6 May 2015 Abortion: A Wrong, Not A Right Imagine a mother of a cranky toddler, already struggling to pay the bills and they find out that they’re pregnant, what do they do? Statistics show that most women would make the decision to abort. What if the doctor came up with an alternative solution? What if the doctor suggested that the woman should kill her toddler to relieve her of her troubles? If this statement disgusts you, then so should abortion. What is the difference between the fetus in the mother’s womb and the toddler? Both are living human beings with hope for an incredible future. Abortions have taken away the future of too many beings that never had a choice. The world will never know if these children would grow up and change the world because they did not even have the chance. Without question, abortion needs to be illegal because no one should have to live in a world where killing human beings is acceptable, no matter the circumstances. Abortion is prevalent throughout all races but most common for African Americans. The scenario above is a prime example of what many young, black females would do. In fact, “Some 1,784 African-American children are killed by abortion each day. Even though African American women only make up 12.6% of the population, they were apart of the nearly 30% of abortions that occurred in 2008 (Enouen).” Many people argue that abortions should be legal under various circumstances such as rape...
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...The issue of abortion is one that has been at the recent forefront of many political discussions in the United States and around the world. There are people spread across both sides of the argument whose opinions vary in intensity and depend on different sources of information to back up their points of view. For the purpose of this paper, abortion will be defined as the deliberate termination of human pregnancy. It is my opinion that abortion, completed early enough in a pregnancy, is not an unethical act and should not be considered to be a decision that is immoral. My argument is based on ideas that are rooted in both utilitarian and deontological ethics as I will show throughout the essay. One of the few religions to condone acts of abortion is Hinduism. This is not to say, however, that Hinduism is blindly accepting of all kinds of abortion. In Hinduism, the belief is that one should make a decision based on what kind of effect it will have on all those involved. This is a very utilitarian way of looking at abortion because it looks at the decision and determines which choice will cause the least amount of harm to the mother, father, fetus, and society (BBC, 2013). Traditionally in Hindu culture, when considering circumstances where abortion is a possible solution to a problem, it is usually found that the procedure is not the appropriate response to the situation and aborting the baby would have negative social and spiritual consequences. I believe this is important because...
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...Abortion I decided to my Guttmacher Institute paper on something I wasn’t familiar with, abortion. Abortion is something very taboo both in my family, and in my religious upbringing as a Roman Catholic. It is something rarely spoken about, it is kept very secret, and when someone has one they are looked down upon. Doing research about it has put it into a different light for me. I didn’t realize just how many people had abortions in the United States, what the statistics were, the statistics on late term abortions, and why women say they have them. Reading up on this subject definitely opens one’s eyes to the world of Abortion, a taboo world in itself. Abortion is a hotly debated topic amongst American’s young and old, different races, nationalities and cultures. Is a state, person, or public figure pro-choice or pro-life? On the Guttmacher Institute website the statistics on abortion in the United States are staggering. In the past, abortion clinics have come under fire for their practices, they’ve been bombed and doctors have been murdered (Fletcher, 2009). Because of the acts that have occurred against them since the 1960’s they are concealed and hidden, normally not well known to the general public unless you have a reason to know it is there. Despite the hush-hush nature of abortion, nearly a quarter of all pregnancies in the United States end in abortion (Guttmacher Institute, 2011). According to the Guttmacher Institute, most of the violence against abortion...
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...ABORTION An abortion is when the pregnancy is ended so that it does not result in the birth of a child. Sometimes this is called ‘termination of pregnancy’. The pregnancy is removed from the womb, either by taking pills (medical abortion) which involves taking medicines to cause a miscarriage or by surgery (surgical abortion) where the pregnancy is removed from the womb. Abortion is the termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of afetus or embryo prior to viability. An abortion can occur spontaneously, in which case it is usually called a miscarriage, or it can be purposely induced. The term abortionmost commonly refers to the induced abortion of a human pregnancy. Abortion, when induced in the developed world in accordance with local law, is among the safest procedures in medicine. However, unsafe abortions result in approximately 70,000maternal deaths and 5 million hospital admissions per year globally. An estimated 44 million abortions are performed globally each year, with slightly under half of those performed unsafely. The incidence of abortion has stabilized in recent years, having previously spent decades declining as access to family planning education and contraceptive services increased. Forty percent of the world's women have access to legal induced abortions (within gestational limits). Induced abortion has a long history and has been performed by various methods, including herbal abortifacients, the use of sharpened tools, physical...
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...Should Abortion Be Legal? Jane Doe PHI 103: Informal Logic Instructor: Tanya Martin April 24, 2013 Should Abortion Be Legal? Women have abortions for many reasons; I can accept that these decisions are very private and probably devastating moments for the mother. An abortion should be based on your own situation, beliefs and values. We should respect and support a woman and her family as they face these life-altering decisions whether to have a child. The arguments being that every child born should be wanted and others who believe that every child conceived should be born. Personally, I feel that abortion should be legal, because there are too many things that go wrong. A woman could be raped and need to get one because she doesn’t want to carry the child full term. Many have pondered upon the meaning of an abortion. This topic has been a controversial topic for many years. Abortion is the choice of women whether or not she wants to receive one. The right to choose to have an abortion is again so personal and essential to women’s lives that without these rights, women cannot exercise other fundamental rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution. This paper will argues the reasons why the act is sought after and outline the positive and negative outcomes associated with committing the act. When one engages in controversial topics ethically and culturally like abortion, many people tend to latch on the specific idea. One example would be those in favor...
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...In the world today that abortion takes place every second of every day. Abortion is a big topic in this generation because of have uncontrolled hormones the miss connection of love and responsibility and what it brings to the table. They lack to fully understand the presents and laws to childhood care because yet they are still children themselves. When we misuse this we tend to fall into wrong decision making of abortion. Abortion ties into what some say the killing of a human life. We fail to realize the fact of when does life begin. Many may claim that life begins as we form in our mother’s uterus. (According to prolife physicians.com) human life begins as we are able to adapt, reproduce, organized, have energy etc. Does this really define that we are able to still take a life that has never displayed these actions but will. Many people will agree that during every abortion and innocent human being is killed. They also stop to think that when does life begin or is abortion just abortion. According to pro-choice network human life begins as a baby / fetus begins to breathe on its own without the mothers support (Pro-choice network). In the world today laws have been developed in many states that there is a set time for a women to abort her child or fetus. Women can only have abortion between eight to twelve weeks of pregnancy. This comeback to the question when are we considered human beings viewpoints regarding this issue vary wildly, but after clarification of why one should...
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...Research Paper: My Thought on Abortions On October 1, 2008, butterflies floated around in my stomach all day while walking the halls of Hillcrest High. I knew something wasn’t quite right. Afterschool, my boyfriend and I made a trip to Wal-Mart. I fidgeted with my fingers the whole ride there. We purchased a Clear Blue pregnancy test. When we arrived at his house, the both of us made our way to the downstairs bathroom. As the urine landed on the Clear Blue stick, something told me that this will determine my future. Would I go off to college? Would I have to stay home to care for a baby?? I contemplated. “Am I pregnant???” was the biggest question of them all. My boyfriend and I waited impatiently for the results to appear on the stick. Hot tears began to roll down my cheeks before I could view the results. My boyfriend gasped. The look on his face told me that our lives would be change forever. Or would it? The word ‘abortion’ was the only thing on my mind for the rest of the evening. I cried and sobbed as my boyfriend did his best to console me until I fell asleep. The next morning I woke up early. Before I could even say “good morning” I told my boyfriend that I wanted an abortion. He stared at me for what seemed like a century. – Weeks had passed and I kept putting the abortion off for a later date. The thought of actually aborting didn’t sit well with me. One evening after school, I called Planned Parenthood to set up an appointment to have an abortion. Come to find out, I had...
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...Abortion: The Wrong Choice Tammy Edwards COM/172 September 15, 2010 Sunny Rowland Abortion: The Wrong Choice Nearly half of all pregnancies among American women are unintended, and four in 10 of these are terminated by abortion (Guttmacher Institute, Incidence of Abortion, May 2010). Abortion should be made illegal, because a fetus is a baby, no person has a right to take another's life, and an unborn baby cannot make the decision to live or die. A Fetus is a Baby While some view abortion as something people should be able to choose, others say abortion is a great evil, which is destroying the moral fabric of society Cline (2010). Many of the arguments turn on the status of the fetus: Is a fetus a person? A fetus is indeed a baby. From the moment of conception, a fetus is alive and growing inside the mother’s womb. For this reason, the fetus is a baby and considered a living, breathing being. If this were not so, then why is there a law in the state of California that if a person murders a pregnant female, that person is then charged with two counts of murder instead of just one Simon (2004)? This is true no matter how far along the mother is, one day or nine months. Therefore, this makes the fetus a real person. No Person Has a Right to Take a Life No person has the right to take another person’s life. Many skeptics say that the Bible does not say anything specifically about abortion. That there are no references to women seeking to end pregnancies, for example, by...
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...Bouzouma EN140 25 January 2016 Abortion has become a highly discussed topic in our country from people believing its right and others believing its wrong. Annually, an estimated 43.8 million babies die from abortion worldwide (World Health Organization/Guttmacher Institute, published 2012). That is approximately one baby being aborted every two seconds In many states, abortion has been banned after 16 weeks of pregnancy and many doctors will not perform an abortion unless of a medical reason. Some small clinics such as Planned Parenthood will perform these abortions. When going to these clinics there are pro-life and pro-choice groups usually standing out front with signs. Pro-life groups favor greater restrictions on abortion. They argue that a fetus is a human being with the right to live, so abortion is murder. Pro-choice groups argue that a woman has certain reproductive rights especially the right to choose whether to carry a fetus or not. My own is that I think if there is nothing wrong with the fetus when the woman goes to her ultrasound appointments and nothing shows up and there’s no medical problems with the woman then she should keep it. One of the most common reasons a woman chooses to abort is because they want to delay a pregnancy because they are too young. However, in some cases a woman becomes pregnant from being rapped and decides to abort the baby. They do not want to live with the reminder of the rape so keeping the baby would be too hard for them. I do see the...
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...ABORTION: There are many reasons or scenarios that a woman can put her self in to result in having an abortion. The first one that comes to mind is being too young. There is nothing worse than seeing or hearing about a girl who is 14-16 years old being pregnant. That is too young and the girls decision should be clear, have the procedure or end up with a child when in fact she is still a child. Another reason why women who are pregnant unexpectedly to get an abortion is that babies are expensive. If the bills aren’t being paid and there is only food on the table for the two of you now, how is it going to be when there is a baby who is always hungry. Even if the partners both work, for at least three months their income is going to be cut in half so the mother can give birth an be with the child, and not all people can survive with that kind of financial burden. Abortion should be made illegal, because a fetus is a baby, no person has a right to take another's life, and an unborn baby cannot make the decision to live or die. A Fetus is a Baby While some view abortion as something people should be able to choose, others say abortion is a great evil, which is destroying the moral fabric of society Cline (2010). Many of the arguments turn on the status of the fetus: Is a fetus a person? A fetus is indeed a baby. From the moment of conception, a fetus is alive and growing inside the mother’s womb. For this reason, the fetus is a baby and considered a living, breathing being...
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