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Morality Of Abortion Research Paper

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Jackson Rush
Theology III: Morality
Mr. Hernandez
May 1, 2015
After the Supreme Court's sweeping abortion decisions in 1973, striking down most of the then-existing state legislation restricting abortion, a conservative reaction began taking place. Ever since 1973 if a mother kills an unborn child before its born for any reason she wants, she will not be charged for killing since the Supreme Court made it legal. Does the Catholic Church believe its right? Worldwide there are 46 million abortions a year meaning 115,000 per day. The pregnant woman who is poor seeks abortion because she can not take care of herself and the children she has. Most of the pregnant women helped by the Women's Medical Fund have children—many with two or …show more content…
According to the law if a doctor killed the baby a minute after it was born it that’s considered murder. But if a doctor killed a baby a minute before the child was born it would considered legal and it’s classified as the mother’s free choice. Let’s say the parents didn’t want the child or just weren’t ready for a child they can still avoid abortion with adoption. The Church also expresses that adoption is a better choice than abortion. Our goal is to educate that abortion is a sin and tell them the horrible facts about abortion it would change many of their minds to give their child up for adoption than having an …show more content…
Other side effects that are unrelated to a girl reproductive orgams are a bladder injury, or breast cancer. A women who does abortion can have babies in the future that are born pre-maturely or just not born healthy. The risk can go against you so why take the chance if you can let the baby live a life planned by god and just give it up for adoption. Debate. Controversy. Argument. Conflict. Struggle. Clash. Battle. War. All of these terms have been used to describe the status of the abortion issue in American society and politics, and it has been this way for nearly a half century. The conflict affects our legislatures, political parties, courts, churches, schools, hospitals—and even our foreign policy.
The words of an unborn child are something hardly anyone thinks about unfortunately. Many people don’t see a negative side of abortion. It affects both the father, mother, family, the community, and mostly the baby itself. Abortion is against the law in many Holy books in the Bible. Also abortion does not only harm the baby the community as well. Abortion is never justified in rape the rights women have which is used in many arguments. Abortion should be seen as murder, for what it

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