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Much Ado About Nothing Play Analysis

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Much Ado About Nothing is one of William Shakespeare's classic comedies that manages to tie in not only many comedic and light-hearted moments through the witty Benedick, but also presents tragic themes as well through the 'death' of Hero. Furthermore, the play in general flowed well, making it easy to get absorbed into the characters and the conflicts presented. The points that really brought the play together for me was the selection in actors, both in skill and their ability to work as a unit for the finished product. The actors for the play, in my opinion, was very appropriately casted to fit each character quite nicely. Going into this completely blind, I found that it was especially easy to guess the relations between specific characters using their actions alone. For example, when Beatrice was hiding from Hero and the maid, she used her actions to portray listening in while also making it entertaining to watch. In conclusion, the directors choice in actors made the play work together. …show more content…
Each of the actors were very skilled in presenting their characters, some of them actually held their concentration and character even through a technical difficulty in one the mics. The only character that fell short was the actress for Conrad when she flubbed one of her lines in the middle of a scene. But, throughout the rest of the show no one else seemed out of character providing no problems for the final product. An example of one of the more involved actors was Benedick, who directed himself toward the crowd very often to most likely pursue a joke. In conclusion, most of the characters showcased their skill through their concentration during the

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