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Why I Chose Nursing Scholarship

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As I sit here studying in this quiet coffee shop, I take in the fresh aroma of coffee and warm pastries. I begin to think to myself "What am I doing? I should be done with school by now. I should have been done with it back in my 20's". I always planned on going about school how many other high school graduates do, graduate high school, begin studying to receive my bachelors and start on my career by the time I was 22 or 23 years old. However, life does not always work easily like that. It feels very surreal already being in my 40's, and barely beginning the path to completing my education.
Walking through the purple and gold painted hallways of my high school, I was naïve to the life past graduation, just like any other teenager. When you …show more content…
I hopped from job to job unable to find something I truly had a passion for. Any place I went I was unhappy and continuously felt underpaid. Constantly feeling the emptiness caused me to finally make up my mind and give my education another shot. That is when I began to push myself into getting accepted into the nursing program at Galveston College. My sister inspired me to want to become a nurse. She pushed herself through nursing school after having a baby so I figured "why not? It may be a little easier without a child." All was going well, my grades were good and I finished most of the prerequisites for the program. Unfortunately, faced with the decision to enter the program and spend a lot of money or to be able to apply that money toward my bills, I once again gave up and let the fear of being financially unstable take over. This feat has haunted me since the day of my decision.
I am the youngest of 11 children. I have 10 nieces and nephews who are, of course, much younger than I am. We have always tried to drive in their heads that they will not get anywhere in life without an education. Telling them this, however, sometimes pains me because I, myself, never finished college. Making an example of myself when talking to them about their lives after high school might just make a difference in the long

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