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Medical Breakthroughs During WWII

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Medicine is considered among the top innovations of WWII (Chris Finnamore, David Ludlow). About 200 million lives were saved by the use of penicillin (Harry Ridgewell). The use of blood plasma helped ninety-six soldiers out of every one hundred (Anastasia Kirby Lundquist). Sulfanilamide helped about 10,000 patients, including one of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's son (The Intellectual, Devotional Health, 52). Some of the medical breakthroughs during WWII were penicillin, plasma, and sulfanilamide.
Penicillin is a synthetic contrived in generic molds which has a powerful antibacterial characteristic. Penicillin kept a large number of wartime passings from gas gangrene and different diseases. See Figure 11 to see the effect of penicillin on the soldiers. Penicillin was utilized to treat any number of diseases, including syphilis, meningitis, and …show more content…
It was a life-changing drug as it could destroy lethal strains of microscopic organisms. Sulfa drugs were broadly utilized by fighters in World War II to beat contaminations because of the capacity of their principle fixing, sulfanilamide, to defeat deadly microscopic organisms. Sulfanilamide was administered en masse to battle strep contaminations, as well as meningitis and pneumonia, which had been killing and debilitating a huge number of soldiers (“Nursing History: The History of WWII Medicines for School”). Soldiers often kept a pocket of white sulfa powder to sprinkle on open injuries, to prevent contamination. Figure 3 shows a box in which a soldier would carry sulfanilamide. It was also common for soldiers to be issued vials of sulfa tablets to treat and counteract diarrhea. Sulfa was so broadly utilized by American troops amid World War II that it assumed a part in helping the Allies win (“Tanks, Guns, & Sulfa Powder”). The large-scale manufacturing of this "wonder drug" halted the spread of resistant infections, and spared a great many lives. (“Medicine of the

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