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There Is No Hope of Doing Perfect Rearch


Submitted By devonmacs
Words 806
Pages 4
Running Header: There is No Hope of Doing Perfect Research
There is No Hope of Doing Perfect Research
To begin with, perfect research may refer to accurate or precise which leaves it with no room for further development. Imagine a world without research and new minds for progression, the world could still be in the primitive age. According to Metaphysics there is no perfection in this world we live in (Kim, Korman, & Sosa, 2012). May be another world of believes (religion) but not the real one. People have no perfect brains, so one can’t expect them to deliver perfect work.
As we all know, every discovery begins with a single brain which later develops to a certain creation. Each human being has their own understanding and views of certain phenomena. When someone discovers something, it acts as the source of other major discoveries to come. It has to undergo major changes and alteration for its perfection. Research involves experimental analysis either in the laboratory, field or on certain events. During the research experiments, the probability of getting false results is very high due to human, instrumental and other field errors. Let’s say a group of people are doing the same research on a certain topic. Their results will be very different when compared then everyone tries to modify them in different ways. This leads to different discoveries with time. Therefore research is dynamic and a continuous process.
In order to clarify all these, let’s consider the DNA structure discovery. Miescher discovered nuclein in 1869. These gave way for further research to nucleic acid and later the double helix in 1953 by James Watson and Francis Crick (Murray, Rodwell, Lender, Botham, Veil, and Kennelly, 2009). In the initial stages of DNA discovery, no one knew that it had much impact to our lives. The discoveries lead to emergence of other scientists who brought their

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