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Things That Stood Out In Daniel's

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“This is one of the truly great models for prayer in the bible. It may even have set the pattern for the great prayers of Ezra and Nehemiah.” There were a couple of things that stood out in Daniel’s prayer. The first thing that Daniel did that stood out is that he did not start with himself. He begins with worship. He shows passionate concern about the honor of God’s name. He also does not make any attempt to blame others in his prayer, but interceded for his people. “Daniel knew from the previous prophets the prerequisite for the setting up of the Kingdom would be Israel’s confession of her sins. Assuming that the Babylonian captivity would be immediately followed by the Kingdom, Daniel prayed a prayer of confession for Israel’s sin.” …show more content…
One of the things that Daniel did when he approached God was confess the sins of the nation before God. Daniel was a great example of showing believers how to confess to God. It is kind of shocking to see this quality in Daniel, because there was never any evidence in the book to indicate that he displayed any disobedience, yet Daniel confessed sin. Daniel has shown consistently since he was taken to Babylon that prayer was a priority in his life. The bible describes him as a man who had a habit of praying three times a day interceding for his people. Daniel did not brag about his position or success, but when he approached God he did it with humility and reverence.
So confession should be an important part for those who are followers of Jesus. Confession is admitting fully to the guilt of a believer’s sin that God already knows. Believers seem to have a hard time confessing their sins completely to God. It can become painful to confess when one has to recognize their responsibility to change what they are doing and mean it. It is not God's intention that a believer struggle when it comes to confessing their sins to Him, or remain

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