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Military Strengths

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Being in the military has shaped who I am in countless ways. While everyone is born with predisposed personality traits, many other characteristics are honed due to their environment. I would argue that my three greatest strengths are mix of natural ability and from my upbringing. Being raised on a cattle farm, hard work came with the territory, but many strengths that I now possess were due to later experiences in the military that have molded me in to the person I am today.
I am a natural introvert. Interacting with people is not something I am naturally fond of but this did not bode well for me as an Army officer. You are expected to lead Soldiers and Non-Commission Officer, most of which are your age or older. To overcome my awkward shyness, I had to adapt and in doing so I became very adept at how to deal with others around me. Most call this emotional intelligence. The challenge is new with each person as they all have unique personalities, …show more content…
Growing up I loved to play strategy board games like chess and risk. The thrill was to formulate a plan and then see it come to fruition. This innate ability has served me well throughout my career. I have been a plans officer at various levels in the Army and being able to both understand the problem and then creatively come up with solutions has set me apart from my peers over the years. In one instance in 2012, I was serving in Afghanistan and our Brigade had to send home over 200 troops by a certain date. As part of our planning process we had each and every person evaluated in relation to reaching mission success. Some whole units were sent home and others only had a few individuals. Instead of slicing off an X number of person per company using no analysis, I lead our plans section to formulate the best case scenario to ensure our Brigade was lighter but still capable of completing our

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