Premium Essay

The Inconvenient Truth


Submitted By foxxsden55
Words 3686
Pages 15
With respect to a standing army, I believe there was not a member in the federal convention who did not feel unworthy at such an institution.
What remedy then could be provided?-Leave the country defenceless?
In order to provide for our defence, and exclude the dangers of a standing army, the general defence is left to those who are the objects of defence. It is left to the militia who will suffer if they become the instruments of tyranny. The general government must have power to call them forth when the general defence requires it. In order to produce greater security, the state governments are to appoint the officers."

Nor is there any clear cut reference to restricting the power to voluntary enlistments

that the power should apply in peace as well as war; that there should be no specific limitation of numbers to be enlisted. 3

suggestion that the power embraced "the customary and ordinary modes practised, in other governments
"Congress have also the power-given them to raise and support armies, without any limitation as to numbers, and without any restriction in time of peace." (I

One of the grievances set forth in our Declaration of Independence as a justification for overthrowing government was:
"He has kept among us, in times of peace, standing armies * * *"
In England there had been a long opposition to standing armies.
They were condemned in the Petition of Right in 1628 and the
Bill of Rights; they were branded as dangerous and contrary to the theory of government in Blackstone's Commentaries on the
Laws of England. Parliament had developed the militia system and disbanded in peacetime the whole King's army.5" We inherited and carried on this opposition in the United States. The continental army of 10,000 was furloughed by Congress within two months after the war ended, even though a British army was still in the

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Inconvenient Truth

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