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PowerPoint by:
Mohamad Sepehri, Ph.D.
Jacksonville University


Copyright ©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

Chapter Learning Goals
Emphasize the critical role of expatriates in managing in host subsidiaries and in transferring knowledge to and from host operations. 2. Acknowledge the importance of international assignments in developing top managers with global experience and perspectives. 3. Recognize the need to design programs for the careful preparation, adaptation, and repatriation of the expatriates and any accompanying family, as well as programs for career management and retention.


Copyright ©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

Chapter Learning Goals
4. Become familiar with the use of global

management teams to coordinate crossborder business.
5. Recognize the varying roles of women around the world in international management. 6. Understand the variations in hostcountry labor relations systems and the impact on the manager’s job and effectiveness. 10-3

Copyright ©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

Opening Profile: The Expat Life


What is it like to take an assignment abroad? Would you like to be an
“expat” (expatriate)?
Is it an adventure or a hardship?
Experiences of those who have done a stint abroad are mixed.
Experiences vary by job type, and especially by location.

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Essentials of IHRM


Copyright ©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

Expatriate Career Management


Copyright ©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

Preparation, Adaptation, and


Copyright ©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

Elements of Successful 

Repatriation Programs


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The Role of Expatriate Spouse


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The Expatriate Transition Process
● Exit from the home country
● Entry to the host country
● Entry transition
● Adjustment (adaptation)
● Exit transition


● Entry back to the home country
● Entry transition
● Adjustment


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Expatriates: “Handle with Care”?


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The Role of Repatriation in 

Developing a Global Cadre


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Global Management Teams: 

The Effects of Multicultural Teams


Copyright ©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

Operational Challenges for 

Global Virtual Teams


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Virtual Teams’ Future Needs


How to lead a virtual team meeting
How to coach and mentor virtually
How to monitor team progress
How to use communication technologies
How to manage team boundaries

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Managing Transnational Teams


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Management Techniques to Deal with the
Cross-Cultural Collaboration Challenges


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Management Focus: The Role of Women in International Management
● Indra Nooyi—CEO, Pepsi

● Soha Nashaat
Head of Barclays Bank, Middle East


Copyright ©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

Management Focus: The Role of Women in International Management


Copyright ©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

Management Focus: The Role of Women in International Management


Copyright ©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

The Role of Women in International
Management: Japan
● By tradition women are hired primarily for clerical tasks


and tea serving; they are known as “office ladies”.
Could expanding women’s roles help end Japan’s 13-year economic slump?
Women’s lack of participation may shave .6 percent off annual growth.
Average profits are higher in companies comprised of 40 to 50 percent women.
Population decline could cause huge labor shortages.
Women are often illegally dismissed for pregnancy.
Government officials complain declining birth rates are due to the over-education of women.
Women say the problem is lack of day care and very long working hours.

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Working Within Local 

Labor Relations Systems


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The Impact of Unions on Business


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Organized Labor Around the world


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Labor Systems
Convergence in Labor systems ● Forces for convergence:
● Merger of ICFTU and

● MNC desire for consistency and coordination ● Increased monitoring of labor conditions
● Political and cultural shifts 10-25

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Divergence in Labor systems ● Most MNCs still adapt practices to national traditions ● The role of political ideology, overall social structure, and history of industrial practices

Adapting to Local 

Industrial Relations Systems


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NAFTA and Labor Relations in Mexico


Copyright ©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

Comparative Management in Focus:
Labor Relations in Germany
● Codetermination law

(mitbestimmung) is coming under pressure. ● Union works councils are “co-managers”.
● German unions are increasingly willing to make concessions.
● The influence of

Daimler-Chrysler and the United States


Copyright ©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

● The German model

holds that competition should not be based on cost. ● What is the value of codetermination?

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