...St Thomas Aquinas was a priest from Italy who lived during the 13th century. His philosophical views on both spiritual and intellectual thinking strongly influenced how men during the Middle Ages thought, which eventually helped shape what is now the western world. Aquinas is renowned for his view on law which he categorized into three sections which include: natural, positive and eternal. Natural law governs a man’s sense of right and wrong. Positive law is the law imposed by government and is extended by natural law. External law is when man acts in accordance to his free will based upon what he deems rational behaviour. Aquinas states that these laws are natural to humanity and are very important to the social welfare of civilization. The three laws have a...
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...Thomas Aquinas College is the most natural transition for myself as a student. The integrated, liberal arts education is something I am quite familiar with and have come to truly love. Reflecting upon my education hitherto, there seems to be three main reasons why Thomas Aquinas College became my school of choice: my liberal arts education in high school, the influence of my teachers, and my natural desire to learn the essence of things and discuss ideas. I received my high school education at St. John Paul II Preparatory School, a three day a week university model school offering a Socratic, liberal arts education. My class sizes never exceeded twelve students; this I have come to greatly appreciate. My teachers were always available to truly go in depth and explain the significance of what we were learning or...
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...Religion vs. Politics, human law vs. divine law, and good government vs. bad government, are all things that hold strong influence over the people in society, and determine their behavior towards one another. Laws are created to maintain order amongst the people, and therefore, should be reflective of everyone as a whole. For those who cause trouble should be the only ones subjected to the law. And, despite the law holding so much power, many people still break it. In this paper, I will explore the religious, philosophical, and political views of St. Thomas Aquinas in relation to the law in society, through his following works: The Doctrine of Necessary Being, the Weakness of Will, and his views on the City, Province, and Empire in the Subsidiarity, Federalism, and Best Constitution. I will then explore his reasoning about why religion and state should co-exist independently, but overlap in the governing of the people. Thomas Aquinas is one of the most renowned Saints in the Dominican Order. He was born in Roccasecca, Italy in 1225. From the age of five to thirteen he attended a...
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...mystic that Meister Eckhart excelled. In his day Meister Eckhart enjoyed success as a popular preacher and churchman of high rank in his order, the Dominicans. However, Meister Eckhart was the only theologian of the medieval period to be formally charged with heresy. The shock of his trial for heresy and the condemnation of some of his work by Pope John XXII in Argo Dominco has cast a shadow over his reputation and a lingering suspicion over his orthodoxy that has lasted to this day. This research paper will focus on the intellectual and social history of Meister Eckhart. The development in thought of any theologian emerges from the life world of the theologian. [4] The life world is formed by the meeting of the cultural, social, and religious history of the day. Theologians are continually searching for new and meaningful ways to interpret religious experience. Meister Eckhart interpreted the religious experience of his day in a way that no others at the time did. I will explore in this paper some of the intellectual forces at work at the time and how he interpreted and connected with these. Secondly, it is important to understand the social history of the time. No theologians' thought is ever formed by simply offering commentary on previous thinkers. As a preacher Meister Eckhart would certainly have been aware of the needs and various expressions of the community. I will explore some of the religious social movements that emerged from the life world of the era, particularly...
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...mystic that Meister Eckhart excelled. In his day Meister Eckhart enjoyed success as a popular preacher and churchman of high rank in his order, the Dominicans. However, Meister Eckhart was the only theologian of the medieval period to be formally charged with heresy. The shock of his trial for heresy and the condemnation of some of his work by Pope John XXII in Argo Dominco has cast a shadow over his reputation and a lingering suspicion over his orthodoxy that has lasted to this day. This research paper will focus on the intellectual and social history of Meister Eckhart. The development in thought of any theologian emerges from the life world of the theologian. [4] The life world is formed by the meeting of the cultural, social, and religious history of the day. Theologians are continually searching for new and meaningful ways to interpret religious experience. Meister Eckhart interpreted the religious experience of his day in a way that no others at the time did. I will explore in this paper some of the intellectual forces at work at the time and how he interpreted and connected with these. Secondly, it is important to understand the social history of the time. No theologians' thought is ever formed by simply offering commentary on previous thinkers. As a preacher Meister Eckhart would certainly have been aware of the needs and various expressions of the community. I will explore some of the religious social movements that emerged from the life world of the era, particularly...
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...considered a right. This argument’s corollary is that, given that we cannot touch without being touched, appropriate touch normally is and should be a source of pleasure to both giver and receiver. The proposed paper will respond to these theses with a caution: contemporary literature on child sexual abuse points out that abusers of children also, and especially, profess to embrace these beliefs. Neither a simple boundary distinction (do not touch particular persons in particular places) nor a test for intent (do not intend to harm or violate) adequately responds to the challenge posed by this fact. Thus it will argue that an adequate Christian ethic of touch depends on the possibility of developing powerful psychological and theological distinctions between nurturing and violating touch. The psychological prong of this argument will draw upon extensive contemporary research on child sexual abuse to argue that abusers either pursue an imagined egalitarian mutual love with their victims or use abuse to gain a sense of empowerment over them. In theological terms the root problems are a mis-labeling of the object of love (the good the lover desires); of the object’s true needs (the gift the lover offers); and of the union with the beloved (the character of mutual delight). The paper will argue that, theologically, “good touch” is a matter of rightly-ordered love and that a critical, feminist retrieval of love theology yields categories and distinctions that begin to illumine the so-far...
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...Title: The relationship between the Church and the State Group 7 2A11 I. Abstract The study of this research is to further explain the relevance of the two said unions and how their roles towards developing the welfare of the human person. This study will also explain the foundation and the sole purpose of the political community. The significance of the political community of today can somehow be depressing because some are doing not their jobs right thus creating some issues. This paper will explain the issues on how the church and the state doesn’t come in to terms but we won’t go further into it. Also the explanation of the political authority’s foundation, roles and its rights. They might have the right to lead us into become a better society but God has more dominion over us than them. Also this paper will be presenting different Christian Challenges that will be answered by us personally and as a group. It is concluded that relationship between the church and the state might be bad at the start but what they are doing are for the welfare of the people and seeks to it that the people are able to achieve their ultimate happiness. II. Introduction The Relationship between the Church and the State has been a very intriguing for past centuries. In the Roman Era, Christianity was considered a Jewish Cult and the Christian at that time spent their practice in hiding so that they will not be persecuted by the Romans. It was in the time of Emperor Constantine...
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...Content Page 1. Introduction………………….………………………………………1 2. Literature Review…………….……………………………………...1 3. Aim Statement………………….…………………………...………..3 4. Objectives……………………….…………………………………….3 5. Methodology…………………….…………………………………….4 5.1 Philosophy…………………………….…………………4 5.2 Approach……………………………..………………….4 5.3 Strategy………………………………..…………………5 5.4 Choice…………………………………..………………...5 5.5 Time Horizon…………………………...………………..6 5.6 Techniques and Procedures/Sampling…………………6 6. Ethics and Access…….………………………………………………7 6.1 Academic Integrity………………………………………7 6.2 Data Protection Act……….……………………………..7 7. Time Plan……………………………………………………………..8 8. References…………………………………………………………….9 1. Introduction This paper focuses on workforce diversity management by reviewing past studies and theories and applying it to the UK retail sector. ‘ The basic concept of managing diversity accepts that the workforce consists of a diverse population of people consisting of visible and non-visible differences… and is founded on the premise that harnessing these differences will create a productive environment in which everyone feels valued, where all talents are fully utilized and in which organizational goals are met’ (Torrington et al, 2011: 476). 2. Literature Review According to Ellis and Sonnenfeld (1994) and Brenda (2010), the main purpose of diversity management and its primary function is to increase employee performance and to avoid quick-fix solutions (Trennery and Paradies...
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...Laboratory Report: Structure and Function (24) M. Author, C. O. Author, and C. O. Authortwo (11) Performed 20 November 2006; submitted 27 November 2006 (10) Abstract-Limit the abstract to four to five sentences stating the following: (a) statement of the problem, (b) methodology, (c) pertinent results, and (d) conclusion. Avoid numbers and symbols in the abstract. After you have written the abstract, write the title. In not more than 13 words, choose a title that would reflect your abstract. To do this you may use the “variable-method” structure, e.g. “Measuring a car’s acceleration using a pendulum.” Here the variable is the gravitational acceleration and the method is the simple pendulum. Another way is to use the “dependent-independent variable” structure, e.g. “Angular displacement of a pendulum in an accelerating car.” Here the dependent variable is the angular displacement of a pendulum and the dependent variable is the car’s acceleration. Note: do not mention any keyword in the title that you will never discuss in your report. A title is a promise that you must keep. (9) I. INTRODUCTION (8) The main purpose of the introduction is to give a motivation for the problem in the laboratory experiment performed. There are many ways to do this. One way is to start with mention something familiar to your reader, then slowly lead him to something unfamiliar—your problem. Along the way, define the terms in the title starting from the subject to...
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...Clinical Psychology Paper The great evangelist D.T. Niles once said, “Christianity is just one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread” (Niles, 2010). At its most basic level, clinical psychology is the enterprise of one educated, licensed person using their knowledge of human behavior to address, assuage, or otherwise moderate the troubles and concerns of another person’s life—whether they be relational, affective, or physiological. Strictly speaking, clinical psychology is, “the assessment, treatment, and understanding of psychological and behavioral problems and disorders” (Plante, 2005, p. 7). Clinical psychology is a scientific endeavor, utilizing the instrument of the scientific method to inform the practice, procedures, and treatments used to address human problems. There is an interplay that exists between treatment outcome research and psychotherapy in clinical psychology—the science informs the art and the art informs the science (Plante, 2005). The point of this paper is to catalogue and compare the history and evolving nature of clinical psychology as well as to consider the specific case of counseling within the framework of clinical psychology. History Hippocrates—the original author of the Hippocratic Oath—formed the first complete, if naïve, physiological explanation of disease and dysfunction (Plante, 2005). He proposed that imbalances in the mixture and quantity of four fluids: black bile, yellow bile, phlegm, and blood, caused several emotions...
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...Chapter I The Problem and Review of Related Literature Introduction Man is a rational being who feels emotions. Our emotions make up a part if not most of our humanity. It can be also called passions like how it was used in antiquity. One of these emotions is love. To feel love and to reciprocate it is proper to rational beings such as the human person. But the term “love” has taken quite different meanings around the globe, a lot of persons even have their own notion of love. It is the one of the most elusive and abused term of mankind. It eludes definition for the reason that one really cannot exhaust love in one specific definition. As Benedict XVI said (2006, p. 7) “In our present context, the term “love” has become one of the most frequently used and misused of words, a word where we attach quite different meanings.” We human persons are capable of expressing and accepting love, since we are endowed with intellect and will aside from our passions. These faculties make it possible for a human to feel being loved and to love back in return. The faculty intellect is the one that perceives and comprehends love, where we can interpret it, while the faculty of the will is the one that is responsible for conveying and reciprocating love. Our acts as human beings such as loving are very much different from those of the animals’. This is because human acts require the use of both the intellect and the will. It requires knowing and willing a particular act, making...
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...Newhauser and Susan J. Ridyard) deals with the subjects ranging from Thomas Aquinas’ conceptualization of the seven deadly sins in the 13th century18, to the views on the seven deadly sins in the early German Reformation movements19. The importance of this anthology lies in the fact that it provides a comprehensive and wide-ranging perspective on the seven deadly sins doctrine in its late medieval incarnation, with the proper references to the early medieval precursors of the latter. Accordingly, its inclusion could enable one to gain a deeper perception of religious and socio-cultural references that may have motivated Bosch in the course of his artistic activities over The Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things. Similarly, The Seven Deadly Sins: From Communities to Individuals, another anthology edited by Richard...
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...University of Massachusetts Lowell Philosophy Department Introduction to Philosophy Philosophy 45. 201.201/02S Spring 2013 Syllabusi Conference Time and Location Tu & Th 3:30-4:45PM Class meet at SOU 403 NC Instructor: Andrés Paniagua andres_paniagua@uml.edu Office Hours T&R 3:00-3:25PM & W. 6:00-6:25 Office TBD Course Description. The practice and study of philosophy constitute one of the most distinctive strands of Western intellectual tradition. In order to understand-even simply recognize-the deepest assumptions we make as a culture we must turn to philosophy and to those thinkers whose ideas have shaped our assumptions. We will approach the study of philosophy as a conversation among the greatest thinkers of all the time, Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Locke, Hume, Kant, Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, Heidegger and Sartre. Our focus will be on each philosopher’s ideas and their impact on Western Civilization. We will also delve briefly into the cultural and historical context of each philosopher, evaluate weather their ideas are still relevant and some of their argument remain compelling. Course outline. The approach of this class is hybrid. The first part following an historical and chronological sequence, the second part follows a topical approach. Part I (a), Ancient philosophy, with our main focus on Plato and Aristotle. Part 1 (b) Late Renaissance and to Kant. Part II Empiricism and Positivism and part II (b) Existentialism. We will wrap the class pointing to some recent...
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...Examination of Clinical Psychology At its base level, clinical psychology is the attempt of an educated individual applying their knowledge of human behavior (gathered through scientific research) to address the relational, physiological, or affective concerns or troubles of another’s life. Plante (2011) defines clinical psychology as an understanding, assessment, and treatment of psychological or behavioral disorders. As a scientific enterprise that employees the scientific method to study and evaluate procedures and possible treatments, clinical psychology endeavors to research the most acceptable methods of aiding its patients. Psychotherapy and research go hand-in-hand, creating circumstances where art illuminates science and science illuminates art (Plante, 2011). The purpose of this paper is to examine the ever-changing nature of clinical psychology while explaining the specifics of counseling as done with the use of clinical psychology. History Hippocrates was the first to produce a somewhat naïve, but complete, definition of dysfunction and disease (Plante, 2011). He believed that certain emotions and maladjustments of the mind were caused by imbalances in the levels of blood, phlegm, yellow bile, or black bile. Anger, depression, and other extreme emotions could be caused by these aberrations of humors. Plato put forth the idea that the soul, or metaphysical world, might have visible effects on the physical domain. Holistic medicinal theory was developed...
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...Examination of Clinical Psychology Paper Tammy Poe PSY 480 University of Phoenix April, 23, 2012 Ross Seligman Examination of Clinical Psychology Paper Clinical psychology is a branch of psychology that involves the concern with assessing and treating abnormal behavior, mental illness, and other psychiatric disorders. Clinical psychology is the science of psychology. Clinical psychologists treat young children to the elderly, individuals or families, thus, an individual’s socioeconomic status is not an issue in the decision-making process of whether or not an individual should receive treatment. There is a broad range of specialties that clinical psychologists deal with, such as individuals diagnosed with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, or individuals coping with his or her personal issues, such as going through a divorce or losing a job. Clinical psychologists allow patients the opportunity to express his or her anger or frustrations while assisting the patient in understanding and controlling his or her situation in a healthy manner. Psychologists have the knowledge and skill in using a variety of methods developed to help patients, depending on the psychologist’s area of expertise. History of Clinical Psychology Established in the 1800s, psychology has been known since 2500 B.C. During this time, the approach to examining mental health involved holistic, supernatural, medical, and religious aspects. The father...
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