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Thomas Jefferson's The Declaration Of Independence

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Compelling means to evoke interest or admiration in a powerful irresistible way. Two historical and compelling passages can be found in part two of The Declaration of Independence, credited to Thomas Jefferson and The Preamble to the Constitution written by another of our founding fathers Gouverneur Morris. Modern audiences of 2018 would be compelled to read The Declaration of Independence is because of its importance in American history.

The Declaration of Independence has a historical significance, it is not just any document, it is a moment in time where the people could not stay quiet for a moment longer. Our founding fathers risked their lives and the lives of their families to write this document that would ensure the people's freedom. For example, the most famous quote that modern audiences can recall to this day is “ We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that we are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights.” This is what the audience found most compelling about this document, even though it …show more content…
Jefferson uses different strategies such as syntax and diction to gain credibility as a writer which modern audiences could admire. Not only did Jefferson draw people into reading it, but supporting it as well. Jefferson uses a kind of formal yet simple tone to let the reader know that what they are reading is very important. Jefferson starts the document by declaring “The unanimous declaration of the thirteen states of America” This let the world leaders and audience know that it was not only a small group of people that opposed their rule but all of the 13 colonies; that all the colonists came together to form together to craft such a captivating document. This helps the modern audience envision how our founding fathers were educated and gives readers a glimpse of how there was such unity in the

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