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How Is Thomas Jefferson's Beliefs Related To The Declaration Of Independence

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The beginning of our nation was brought about by great men. One of these men was Thomas Jefferson. He was an author of the Declaration of Independence and would become President of the United States. He believed that all men were created equal and therefore had certain natural rights. His ideals represented the American spirit and many people held him in the highest regards. He was a strong opponent of slavery, and believed it to be a threat to the new nation. By incorporating that all men were equal into the declaration, he showed that he believed they should all be free as well. However, he also felt that the institution of slavery should be dealt with democratically. Mr. Jefferson helped pass legislation he anticipated would bring emancipation. By doing this he gave citizens the opportunity to choose to end the practice. He did not want to force a law onto citizens who depended on slavery. Southern states rejected the notion of emancipation, because they required slave labor to tend their crops and maintain plantations. Jefferson worked in Virginia to reduce crops that relied on slaves to harvest and maintain. In doing so …show more content…
It was as if he had become too ingrained in the common practice of slavery to continue to fight for its end. He worried that free African Americans would be taken advantage of and that they did not have the necessary skills required to lead their own lives. Thomas Jefferson had solved his worry by training his own slaves in several different trades. From farmers to industrial workers he amassed a workforce on his plantation that would have had the ability to transcend into a free society. The abolishment of slavery would have created a panic among plantation and business owners from all the workers they would now have to pay. Free labor and increased profits were one of the main driving forces for the continuation of

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