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Thoth Research Paper

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Thoth is the Egyptian God of the moon. Thoth is known as one of the first gods. Thoth is said to have a head of an ibis. An ibis is a bird with a long, curved beak, long legs, and a long neck. The curve on the ibis’ beak is described to look like a crescent moon. Thoth also healed Horus’ left eye and was considered to be the inventor of the hieroglyphics by the Egyptians. Thoth first became known as the god of the moon after the fight between Set and Horus. Horus’ eyes were known as the sun and the moon, the sun being the right eye and the moon being the left eye. In the fight between Set and Horus, Horus’ left eye was injured. Thoth came in and healed Horus’ eye; this linked the moon to Thoth. Also a crescent moon looked very similar to Thoth’s …show more content…
Thoth was also known as the scribe of the underworld. Once this happened the moon detached from Thoth, Thoth became more closely related with wisdom rather than the moon. Thoth was then worshipped by all of the ancient Egyptian scribes. Thoth and his invention of writing, was not only the scribe of the underworld but also the scribe to the gods. Thoth was believed to be the creator of hieroglyphics. Thoth kept many scrolls and one of his wives, Seshat, was known as the goddess of writing. Thoth was related to the Egyptians with arts, learning, literature, and speech. Some ancient Egyptians stories stated that Seshat invented writing, but Thoth taught it to the Egyptians. Other people still believe that Thoth was the true inventor of writing. Thoth was did not only invent medicine, magic, different religious practices, and writing, but also the 365-day calendar. This was new because they originally had a 360-day calendar. Stories say that Thoth bet with the moon and earned an extra five days. These five added days helped Hathor and Nuit have five children because they were cursed and could not have kids the other 360 days in the

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