Terrorist groups are increasingly using new information technology and the Internet to formulate plans, raise funds, spread propaganda, and engage in secure communications. Cyberterrorist- meaning the use of cyber tools to shut down critical national infrastructures(such as energy, transportation, or government operations) for the purpose of coercing or Intimidating a government or civilian population is clearly an emerging threat. (Dale Watson 2-6-2002) Cyberterrorism or digital terrorism cannot be concretely defined and has spurred significant debate over exactly what is means. Todays' battlefields have no national borders. Quickly describing terrorism is not easy work. However, cyber terrorism is specifically a premeditated publically or ideologically motivated attack or threat of attack against information, computer systems, programs, and data that can result in violence against civilian targets. Attacks are fast, easy and relatively inexpensive. The attack is a commission of a crime with the use of a computer and a network. Growth in the use of computers has caused computers to be a large part of illegal activities.
The categories that we fall as a victim are Crimes committed using a computer as a target, as a tool, as incidental to computer use, or associated with the prevalence of computers. In most cases, caught cyber criminals have usually committed several types of crimes. The tools used required no extra training or financial aid. Many businesses that connect to large masses of people connect to networks, which if compromised, could halt activities that supply us with many comforts, such as water, electricity, or information. Connecting to large masses of people also could require extra funds being spent to protect us from intruders. At the age of twenty-five, I was introduced to a group of young men that was in the United States from Iran to study our water system. It was very innocent but due to the uneasy level of digital warfare with Iran, again it has cause unease. When asking questions concerning the reason they were here, the reply was to study our water system, no one could give me a direct answer. I just told myself it was for them to observe our system in the U.S. then on their return to Iran to help with their water system. However, the English was poor, and they did act as if it was a private joke when they laughed. On December 11, 2012, cyber terrorists from Iran threatened attacks against U.S. Banks. Perhaps we showed them more information than we really would like them to know in this phase of history.
The categories that we fall as a victim are crimes committed using a computer as a target, using a computer as a tool, as incidental to computer use, and crimes associated with the prevalence of computers. In most cases, cyber criminals that have committed several types of crimes are the ones caught. . (n.d.). http://www.termpaperwarehouse.com/essay-on/Categories-Of-Computer-Crimes/122444
To help protect us from being a victim of crimes committed with our computers as a target is to keep personal information private by a management program to mitigate risk and assure the security of this information. Real-time monitoring and policy are alerting can reduce the time to infection. Manage email safety and validate potential threats. Also to prevent password problems change them often. Using a password management software platform could be very helpful.
FBI — The Terrorist Threat Confronting the United States. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.fbi.gov/news/testimony/the-terrorist-threat-confronting-the-united-s
FBI: -Threat of Terrorism to the United States - APFN... (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.apfn.org/apfn/fbi_terrorism.htm http://www.termpaperwarehouse.com/essay-on/Categories-Of-Computer-Crimes/122444
FBI — The Terrorist Threat Confronting the United States. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.fbi.gov/news/testimony/the-terrorist-threat-confronting-the-united-states.