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Positive Acts of Deviance


Submitted By shadaylimour
Words 755
Pages 4
Shaday Goodin
Professor Jones
26 February 2015
Positive Acts of Deviance We live in a world where every day we are caught up in our own lives, we sometimes forget about others. Or we may even find it out of the norm to go that extra mile to help someone or take that opportunity to do something positive for someone else. This may be because we’re shy, scared of what others will think, or simply because we don’t see everyone doing it so it wouldn’t necessarily be “cool” or the “normal” thing to do. I was given the assignment of performing two positive acts of deviance. The term deviance means any behavior, belief, or condition that violates significant social norms in the society or group in which it occurs. The first part of my assignment was performing a positive act of deviance with a stranger. So just the other day at work, an elderly couple came into my store possibly in their eighties or so. The man came in pushing his wife in a wheel chair and as I approached them, they asked me if we had heavier coats. And they were in luck! We were having a promotion on all of our winter apparel and picked out a couple I thought his wife might have liked. As I showed both of the coats to her and her husband, they loved them and she wanted to try them on. Her husband helped her to stand out of her wheelchair but struggled to get the jacket on both arms as well as hold his wife up, as her balance wasn’t that good. For a second I stood close by in case they had anymore questions, but as her husband struggled she looked very uncomfortable, and even as if she was tired of going through such a struggle. I then walked over and extended my arm and hand for her to hold onto as her husband put the coat on her. As she wore the coat, still holding onto me, she looked at me with a huge smile and asked me, “well what do you think?” I giggled and said I loved it on her, and they then asked to purchase it. At the register his wife told me that she’s always so afraid to stand up out of her wheelchair, because she has fallen several times and has suffered a couple injuries because of it. As I conversed with them a little more, they expressed how thankful they were for my help. They grabbed my hand, looked me in the eye and said, “God Bless You.” My heart melted as they left the store. They were so happy and so incredibly sweet, and being my first customers of the day and feeling such a strong connection by helping them, made me feel really good. I won’t ever forget that day. It was such an amazing feeling to genuinely feel how thankful they were. My second part of the assignment was performing a positive act of deviance with someone I know. Today was my step dad’s birthday, and nobody really planned anything for him. My family just carried on with work and school, and I actually didn’t even remember. He made dinner for everyone and never once mentioned anything about his birthday. After dinner my mom came to my room and offered me a piece of cake. She said that flavor was what my step dad asked for on his birthday. I panicked and mentioned I had totally forgot. She said it was okay and that nothing big was planned, just a relaxing night at home. So I had cake with everyone, but I heard him mention he liked Itunes gift cards because he just got a new Ipad. So after going to my room and doing some homework, I remembered I actually bought an Itunes gift card just a couple days ago. So thought instead of using it for myself, I will give it to my step dad for his birthday. So I walked out of my room and handed it to him and he couldn’t believe he had just mentioned he wanted it and there it was. I told him it was originally mine to be honest but I wanted him to have it. He thanked me and stayed on his Ipad the rest of the night downloading new stuff. He was very thankful for receiving even a small gift. When I originally bought it for myself but made someone else much happier.

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