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Positive Deviant Behavior

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Based on study, some authors have argued that deviant behavior is, for the most part, learned in the process of interacting with others who serve as role models (Humphrey, 2012). Granted, (Humphrey, 2012) stated the greater the involvement in conventional society and acceptance of the prevailing value structure, the less the desire to deviate from deeply held norms and beliefs (Humphrey, J. A., 2012). Similarly, individuals who are tightly bound into conventional society are considerably less prone to engage in positive deviance, less likely to find the need for innovation and creativity (Humphrey, J. A., and Schmalleger, F. 2012). Moreover (Humphrey, J. A., 2012) also states that families that entertain their children to value learning and inspire creativity and critical thinking highly increase their potential for excellence (Humphrey, J. A., 2012). Although it is possible to be innovative and creative apart from exceptional educational and socialization advantages, but at the same time, it is far less common. In other words, positive opportunity structures can only provide the conditions that are more apt to lead to high achievement (Humphrey, J. A., and Schmalleger, F. 2012).
Sociocultural factors are customs, lifestyles and values that characterize a society from (Heckert, D. M., 1998). More …show more content…
Charisma is the second type of positive deviance. Innovation is another form of positive deviance (Sternin, J., 2003). A fourth kind of positive deviance is Supraconformity (Sternin, J., 2003). Finally, innate characteristics constitute a fifth kind of positive deviance (Sternin, J., 2003). As mentioned earlier positive contributes to the social order of society it also provides a successful approach to solving problems while valuing the wisdom that already exists within your community (Sternin, J., 2003). In that sense; it is an empowering and respectful approach (Sternin, J.,

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