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Booker T. Washington's Life As A Slave

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This book was about Booker T. Washington who was a slave on a plantation in Virginia until he was

nine years old. His autobiography offers readers a look into his life as a young child. Simple pleasures

such as eating with a fork, sleeping in a bed, and wearing comfortable clothing were unavailable to

Washington and his family. His brief glimpses into a schoolhouse was all it took to make him long

for a chance to study and learn. All of his later success in his life, he contributes to the good education

he was able to get later in his life.

Booker's life as a child was not the easiest. He tells us he was born in Franklin Country Virginia, but

he is not sure of the year- it's either 1858 or 1859 and he doesn't know the month or day. All he knew

was that born near a …show more content…
Booker worked teaching the Indians for a couple of

months before he was called to to Tuskegee to teach at the school there. A man by the name of General

Armstrong who Booker greatly admired, told Booker that he had received a letter from a gentleman in

Alabama asking him to recommend someone to take charge of a normal school for colored people in

the little town of Tuskegee. At first, the man was expecting the General to send a white man, but when

the General endorsed Booker, they accepted him and he was off to Tuskegee. He liked the town immediately and found that the two races got along pleasantly. Once Booker arrived in Tuskegee, he

soon began to look for places he could start this school. The first building he was able to secure was a

shanty beside the Methodist Church. This building was the only one that Booker was able to get to start

his school. Not only did Booker spend time looking for accommodations for his school, but he also

traveled through Alabama, examining the actual lives of the people. He was not at all surprised to see

the poverty that was still very much in effect on his soon to be pupils and their families. Later

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