...description is the financial situation that I choose. Joseph and Mary are 60 years old. They have $200,000 saved in an IRA, and own a house worth $200,000. Mary is retired, and would like Joseph to retire as well, but he would prefer to work part time at something that will allow them to travel whenever they please. Their lifestyle is such that they required $60,000 per year to live comfortably. They don't feel that they need a will or an estate plan because they have no children. I chose to financially advise choice number four, Joseph and Mary. In my opinion, this situation is easier to advise because there are only two people involved. They have no kids that they have to take care of and can take a chance with their money without worrying about any kids. I’m not saying that having kids to worry about is a bad thing but when it comes to money, you can take more of a chance when investing. Joseph and Mary are both 60 years old. They have probably worked all or most of their life and from the looks of it have a relatively good retirement savings. The IRA that Joseph and Mary have saved has $200,000 in it. This seems like a lot of money now but in the long run they might find out that it will not be enough, depending on how “enjoyable” they want to spend their retirement. Keep in mind though, that Joseph and Mary do not have children so all of this money that is saved in an IRA will be for them. An advantage to not having children and retiring, as stated above, is that...
Words: 969 - Pages: 4
...How to Write an "Accomplishment Essay" What are your three most substantial accomplishments, and why do you view them as such? — Harvard http://www.free-essay-writing-topics.com/index.php?page=mba-application-accomplishment-questions What is the most significant change or improvement you have made to an organization with which you have recently been affiliated? Describe the process you went through to identify the need for change and manage the process of implementing change. What were the results? — Kelley Describe your greatest professional achievement and how you were able to add value to your organization. — Johnson The goal in answering this kind of question is to analyze, rather than summarize, an achievement. This advice is particularly true if you're discussing an accomplishment that is listed elsewhere on the application. Your readers want to gain insight into your character, not read a factual summary of what occurred. Here are some guiding principles to use in constructing your answer: (1) Choose something that's meaningful to you. Some applicants feel obligated to choose the most objectively impressive accomplishments. You should write about something that has personal significance, even if you weren't formally recognized for it. What matters is that you write passionately and insightfully about your subject. Unless otherwise specified, you should feel free to draw on academic, personal, or professional successes. (2) Focus on details about the process. Show...
Words: 1811 - Pages: 8
...birth and death? Chaucer was born in the year 1340 and when he was 44 he died in 1400. Where was he from? Geoffrey Chaucer was from London What was his “masterpiece” ? The Canterbury Tales is the book that most people remember Chaucer for. http://www.online-literature.com/chaucer/ What is a pilgrimage? A journey made to a sacred place as an act of religion Define prologue. The introduction to a play, book, novel, poem, ect. http://www.webster.com (or other dictionary site) Where is Canterbury? Canterbury is in England. What famous event happened there? The murder of Archbishop Thomas Becket in 1170. What are the goals of the many people who travel there on pilgrimages? Pray Repent or to be saved http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Canterbury,-England http://www.canterbury-cathedral.org/history/history.aspx When were The Canterbury Tales written? In what language were they written? The Canterbury Tales was written in the time frame of 1387 to 1400. The Canterbury tales is written in Middle English. What are they about? A contest was drawn on everyone to see who could come up with the better story while they are on their way to and from Canterbury. What is a frame tale? A story with in a story What happens in the Prologue? The narator starts by telling about the beging of spring then it shifts over to how this time of...
Words: 559 - Pages: 3
...are their contributions: Accor/Novotel Canada Hotel management, Toronto * A detailed tracking system minimizes electricity, water, gas and sewer use. * A comprehensive recycling program has cut back the use of newspaper, glass, aluminum, plastics, cardboard and kitchen grease. BC Biometrical Laboratories Ltd. Medical laboratory, Surrey, B.C. * Works with recycling providers to find solutions for high-volume items--like small caps from needles, which once weren't considered recyclable. * Telecommuting is encouraged; more than 15 per cent of administrative staff work from home. Brookfield LePage Johnson Controls Real estate management, Markham, Ont. * Brookfield's head office diverts 100 per cent of its waste from landfills. * Established 11 social responsibility committees and hosted a sustainability event to educate real estate industry professionals on reducing carbon footprints. Celestica Electronics manufacturing, Toronto * Hybrid and other eco-friendly vehicles get preferred parking spots (employees and visitors). * Rather than sending wooden pallets to be recycled, Celestica pioneered a program to reuse them; last year, 5,000 pallets were reused in Toronto alone. Cisco Corp. Communications, Toronto * Since 2010, CISCO has reduced business travel by 40 per cent. * Participates in several global pollution-reduction initiatives,...
Words: 1474 - Pages: 6
...Jones Lang LaSalle has saved its Midwest clients and buildings well over $2 million in maintenance service contract fees over the last five years, thanks to an innovative regional vendor procurement program. The program solicits bids from a variety of premier maintenance vendors—from janitorial, to window-washing, to landscaping vendors—to service the entire Jones Lang LaSalle portfolio in the Midwest region. Bidding vendors offer deep discounts in return for the substantial amount of business they could win. While managers and clients may elect out of using the awarded service provider, few do because top-tier vendors are secured at discounted rates. In fact, upon the firm’s selection of a vendor, many managers and clients discover they don’t even have to switch. Often, the service provider they have been using all along is chosen—just at a better price, and typically with even better service. For instance, in 2007, Jones Lang LaSalle made its first attempt at bidding out its Midwest portfolio’s janitorial services. Interestingly, 85 percent of buildings were already using the same vendor because of its superior service. As a result, the firm offered that vendor the exclusive opportunity to bid on the remaining 15 percent of the business. The janitorial company agreed to a three-year contract that made it the sole cleaning vendor for just less than 20 million square feet of real estate. It agreed to view the real estate as a portfolio, rather than individual properties...
Words: 418 - Pages: 2
...Immediately after the British defeated the French in seventeen-sixty three …King George III quickly squashed any notion certain people might have about crossing the Appalachian Mountains into the British newly acquire land…. Scotty Gotitright, a tall, lanky, second generation Scotsman, with sparkling blue eyes, jet black hair, and affable personality, had great respect for King George III, however, he disagreed with him on this particular issue…. Scotty therefore, had an in-depth discussion with his parents and explained how he hankered to leave West Town, Virginia, cross the Appalachians and settle on the east bank of the Mississippi River and continue the family tradition. Andrew, the proprietor of The Gotitright Gunsmith Shop and Adamina, a sweet, loving, woman, gave their only child their blessing, because they knew their sixteen year old son had common sense, survival know how, and...
Words: 1206 - Pages: 5
...Joshua Muench July 24, 2014 Western Civ Part 2 The French Revolution The French Revolution began in 1789 and ended in the late 1790’s with the ascension of Napoleon Bonaparte. This period in European history is one of the most bold and iconic periods in the west and through it came many things of significant historic value. During this period, French citizens radically changed and redesigned their country’s political landscape, a system of century old institutions such as absolute monarchy and the feudal system. This revolution first grabbed the attention of the world due to what it promised as its outcome, human rights and broad-based political participation. Its most famous slogan pledged “Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity” for all. (595) Like in the American Revolution, the French Revolution was brought on by the ideas of enlightenment, in specific, the ideas of popular sovereignty and inalienable rights. The movement played a pivotal role in shaping modern nations. Although it failed to achieve all of its goals and at times degenerated into violent bloodbaths, the French Revolution did however show the world something, the power inherent in the will of the people. The beginnings of the French Revolution can be looked at as starting shortly after the American Revolution due to the French’s involvement. The French’s involvement in the American Revolution was a costly one, and piled along with the frivolous spending of King Louis XVI, the country was on the verge...
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...1. Event list in HK. * University Events * Wine tasting events * Join a swimming club * Join a gym * Take part in volunteering 2. Three news in financial planning (the importance in HK) * http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/article/1657271/insurance-company-targets-elderly-hong-kong-new-health-insurance 3. Question list about how to approach someone. Job/career | Family | Personal Goals | Financial Status | What’s your background? | How big is your family? | How satisfied are you in work? | How do you finance your current expenses? | Where do you work? | Are you staying with your family? | Where do you see yourself in the next five years? | Total number of family members working in HK? | Which place do you work? | Any children if married? | What are some of your learning goals for this year? | Does your organisation sponsor any of your living expenses? | Since how long are you working? | How long family is staying here? | What are your favourite things to do in the past? What about now? | How often do you travel? | What is the growth in your company? | How many dependents? | What are your hobbies? | Do you own a home in HK? | How is the working environment? | What plans you have for your children’s future? | Any short term goals for the next one year | Do you have any debt obligations? | Do you have supportive colleagues? | | Have you ever thought of supplementing your retirement? | | | | | | Approach to know...
Words: 596 - Pages: 3
...7 Years to 7 Figure Wealth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
Words: 1873 - Pages: 8
...Summary of the movie ERIN BROCKOVICH Erin brockovich is a divorced mother of three children. Erin brockovich had a car accident in which she was not at fault that’s why she hires an attorney to defend her and get her back the money of damage as she was already broke and didnot have enough money to repair her car. Ed marsy her attorney loses the case and Erin blames him for losing the case because she thinks that they lost the case because her attorney wasn’t prepared well. She forces Ed to give her a job at his law firm and she gets the job. Nobody treats her with respect because of the way she acts and dresses, which is also unethical because you cant judge or treat somebody on the way they dresses or acts. Ed gives her a probono case of real estate to open which involves the purchase of Donna Jensen’s house by a big company Pacific Gas and Electric Company. After reading the documents she finds it a bit confusing that why is there medical information included in the real estate file. Erin asks Ed that she wants to further investigate this case. She talks to Donna and as well as the other residents of the hinkley. After investigation she finds out that not only Donnas family but also other residents of hinkely have similar medical problems. After a while she discovers that PG&E is disposing its toxic waste in the town water, which was the main reason of the medical problems people were facing in hinkley. She convinces the town people to take action against the company...
Words: 1817 - Pages: 8
...continues to enhance our productivity and expand our capacity. High client retention, providing consistent referrals to the firm. Expertise in specific vertical markets of medical/health, dental, and lodging industries. Three CPAs, our "rainmakers," who bring in an estimated 65% of the new client work. Weaknesses Over-dependence on tax preparation work for individual and business clients and, therefore, a lack of diversification in our revenue sources. Inability to generate sufficient billable hours in the off-season, based on the current capacity of our systems and full-time staff. Difficulty in retaining aggressive non-partner CPAs, as they move to smaller firms that will make them partners sooner. Being perceived as a non-progressive, "too traditional" firm and maybe overlooked as a viable option for new clients. Some individuals within the professional staff do not have an understanding of or a commitment to the marketing activities of the firm. Opportunities Benefiting from the ongoing increase in population to the San Clemente area, particularly for the retirement segment. Increasing income levels of the population over the age of 60 that have aggressively saved for retirement and have increasingly complex tax planning, tax preparation, and estate planning needs. Leveraging the positive perception business has about locating in this...
Words: 413 - Pages: 2
...holy place. 3. Define prologue. The preface or introduction to a literary work. http://www.webster.com (or other dictionary site) 4. Where is Canterbury? In Kent, England. What famous event happened there? The murder of Archbishop Thomas Becket in 1170. What are the goals of the many people who travel there on pilgrimages? To pray, repent, or to be saved. http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Canterbury,-England http://www.canterbury-cathedral.org/history/history.aspx 5. When were The Canterbury Tales written? In what language were they written? The Canterbury Tales was written in the time frame of 1387 to 1400. The Canterbury tales was written in Middle English. * What are they about? Be thorough in your answer. A contest was drawn on everyone to see who could come up with the better story while they are on their way to Canterbury and from Canterbury. * What is a frame tale? A story within a story * What happens in the Prologue? http://www.courses.fas.harvard.edu/~chaucer/canttales/gp/ http://www.librarius.com/cantales.htm 6. What were the “Three Estates” during the Middle Ages? 7. How were women categorized? http://cla.calpoly.edu/~dschwart/engl430/estates.html 8. What was the Black...
Words: 402 - Pages: 2
...------------------------------------------------- Cost Benefit Analysis [ECON 453] ------------------------------------------------- Assignment II Aditya Gurung Dr. T.M. Horbulyk April 2, 2012 1. Based on the article, describe as best you can: (i) The reference group for the cost benefit analysis Reference group for the cost benefit analysis (CBA) refers to the set of persons whose gains and losses are to be included as directly relevant to the project decision-making process. It is a sub set of people who will be benefited or affected by the implementation of the project. In the case of Bolu Mountain Tunnel project, the set of people who will directly benefit from the implementation of the project are the people who can now avoid traveling by Bolu Mountain Passage (D100 highway) as they can get to there destination by traveling through the tunnel in much safer conditions along with reduced travel time. (ii) The purpose of the study The purpose of any social CBA is to examine and assess whether or not the social benefits of the proposed policy or project outweigh its social cost. By doing so, it can assist decision-making by facilitating the allocation of resources to their most valuable application. In the case of given article, the purpose of the study is to conduct the CBA of the Bolu Mountain Tunnel Project and examine if the project is worth to be implemented. (iii) The estimated project life over which the project is evaluated The estimated project life...
Words: 3831 - Pages: 16
...obtained my Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (B.S.B.A) in Accounting from Appalachian State University in 1996. After years of struggling to find contentment with my career path, I finally settled into a career as a real estate broker. In this position, I found I really had a passion for helping people. While the real estate market was slowly turning into a desolate wasteland, my desire for becoming a nurse was starting to rekindle. In the meantime, I had become pregnant. Going into the hospital for my fourth standard induction, I felt scared as any mother would but confident in how things would go. After all, it wasn’t my first go around. When the induction started at midnight, I anticipated getting a good night’s rest and then welcoming my new bundle of joy in the am. However, just one hour later, I was rushed in for an emergency c-section. The next morning, holding my beautiful son, the physician made this statement “If it wasn’t for your nurse going above and beyond what she needed to do with her watching the monitors for 10 minutes longer than our protocol, we would not be having a good morning.” My nurse saved my son’s life, and in turn saved mine. Because I wanted to have that same impact on someone else, when my son was three months old, I began my journey into nursing school. Back to School Returning to school with four children, the youngest being an infant, a household to maintain, and still working was not the easiest thing I’ve done....
Words: 1661 - Pages: 7
...000 dollars saved up to purchase this property. He began his search for the perfect property checking current listings and prices using, www.bankrate.com and www.realestate.boston.com. Due to many of his friends living in the area he gained access to eNeighborhoods a program that allowed him to enter addresses and it would show the previous 25 properties sold. Most properties observed sold for $700,000 and higher and required an initial equity investment of $150,000. Since he only has $80,000 in equity he plans to take out a mortgage to cover this cost. He found that the listings he came across were rundown and in bad condition. Such as one property on Myrtle St. This property showed a 20% return on cash investment, but did not account for repairs, vacancies, or management expenses. With these included the cash return would be only 3%. The values of many buildings on Beacon Hill had doubled or tripled in the past ten years due to a large amount of wealthy professionals anxious to own real estate. Alexander therefore believed that an apartment building in the Beacon Hill area would be a safe investment due to little chance of depreciation for functional or economic causes. After many failed attempts to find a suitable property Alexander learned of a 4-unit apartment house located on the “back slope” of Beacon Hill. While prices in some neighborhoods had declined prices on the “back slope” continued to increase. The property was only partially developed with three 2- bedroom...
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