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Three Reasons For Hiring A Traffic Lawyer

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Three Reasons to Hire a Traffic Lawyer to Fight a Speeding Ticket

By signing your speeding ticket, you are not admitting to guilt but only making a promise to appear in court. In most jurisdictions, you can avoid this by paying the fine for speeding. Often, this can be done by mail or online. But there are ramifications when you do this. The following are a few ways that a traffic lawyer can help you.

An attorney can help you avoid an increase in your insurance premiums
It only takes a single ticket to make your insurance rates go up. Of course, you may not see it right away, but when you go to renew your policy, your rates are likely to be higher. Keep in mind that it may not be necessary to win your case. In some states, they allow for a first time offender to take a course in traffic …show more content…
The chances of this happening if you represent yourself are slim. An attorney that handled a large number of traffic ticket cases knows all of the ways a ticket can be dismissed. One common reason is that there are errors on the ticket. The first thing a lawyer will do is examine the ticket and look for any mistakes or inconsistencies. If one is found, the attorney can bring this to the attention of a traffic court judge.

An attorney may be able to deal down the offense
Even if the speeding ticket cannot be dismissed, it may be possible to negotiate the ticket down to a lessor offense. In certain circumstances, this may simply mean paying a lower fine, but if you already have several speeding tickets, you could face the loss of your driver's license. In some jurisdictions, you may have been ticketed for a serious infraction because of the high speed you were traveling, even if it is your first offense. In this situation, an attorney may be able to negotiate the ticket to a lessor offense. Your ticket will still be on your record, but it will cost you less and possibly save your

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