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Localisation Of Function Theory

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This essay will attempt to critically analyze the localisation of function theory and experiments that support or challenge this theory. It is important to discuss this theory as a reductionist approach could lead to an over-simplification of how the brain functions, causing ineffective treatment of mental disorders and injuries. Foremost, we will discuss the experiment of Raine et Alia (1997) and how their findings support the localisation of function theory. Additionally, we will examine the experiment of Simon et alia (2011) whose findings also support the theory. Finally, we will consider the experiment of Straube et Alia (2006) which challenges the localisation of function theory. I will critically analyze the experiments and the theory …show more content…
This theory could be important for treating many mental disorders and physical injuries, and for further understanding how the brain functions. The experiment Raine et alia (1997) aimed to discover if murderers who pled not guilty by reason of insanity (NGRI) showed any brain abnormalities. They used Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans, that works when injected tracer travels in the bloodstream to the brain where it binds to glucose, which is used as an energy source by neurons. The tracer then emits radioactive particles that are picked up by sensors around the head to create picture of brain activity. Raine compared the PET scans of murderers who had pled NGRI (n=41) with 41 controls who had not committed murder. The controls were specifically chosen to each pair with a murderer based on age, sex and mental disorders. This was a quasi experiment as the criminal background of the participants was not in the control of Raine. In this experiment the independent variable was if the participant was a murderer or not. The dependent variable was the PET scan results comparing the controls and the murderers. The results showed that those who had committed murder had less activity in the parietal lobe which is associated with abstract thinking, such as morality and justice. Also, there was less activity in the prefrontal cortex which is associated with rational …show more content…
It is possible the experiment done by Raine et Alia could lack internal validity because not all murders are violent, for example: murder by using poison. This means the brain abnormalities found do not always link to violence. However, this experiment might have an amount of ecological validity because the majority of murderers are in prison, similar to the prisoners in this experiment. Also, because there was a good control group of many ages and with different mental disorders there could be good external validity. But, there was only two females and a small sample in comparison to the amount of murderers in the world, so these aspects could lead to a low ecological validity. In addition, there might not be a cause and effect relationship between these brain abnormalities and violence because we do not know whether the abnormalities were there prior to the murder or not. This might be a limitation to the natural experiment because Raine could not choose who the murderers were and was unable to scan their brains prior to the crime being committed. This experiment might be reductionist because it does not explore all the reasons for these brain abnormalities, they might be caused by more than committing murder. The experiment done by Simon et alia might have a low external validity because there was only one participant, so it

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