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Why Do Colleges Should Be Free

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When it comes to the topic of college tuition, most of us will readily agree that we should pay nothing. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of taxpayers. Whereas some are convinced that it should be free, others maintain that it should not. Many Americans tend to believe that receiving a free higher education could help boost the economy by having more college graduates that would create more jobs opportunities. In a recent article by International Business Times, Bernie Sanders, a presidential candidate senator, proposes the elimination of four-year college tuition. To introduce The College for All Act Bernie Sanders says, “[It] would give four years of tuition-free education to students at public colleges and universities.” It also argues …show more content…
Of course, more high school graduates would attend college, which is a good thing, but if the college dropout rate in the US is already more than forty percent according from an article by Politic365, then there is a chance it would just increase.
Second, College would be like high school all over again. College being free could make students take it for granted. People who go to college care about their education because they know it is not free. If it were free, they would not care about their classes since they are not paying any penny. Some would get in their mind that they don’t really need a college degree to find a job that would pay enough to support themselves. College is an option that one can decide to attend or leave behind. Of course there is something that needs to be done about college tuition.
The College for All Act would function by taxing The Wall Street transactions and putting it towards college tuition. By doing that, it would raise up to $300 billion a year. The Federal and State government would put about $70 billion a year to replace the money institutions usually receive from the student

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