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Tim O Brien Guilt

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They Can’t Forget The Vietnam War was a historical event that left many soldiers scarred with shame and guilt and often hindered the quality of their lives, causing much suffering and difficult readjustment to normal civilian life. In Tim O’Brien’s novel, The Things They Carried, the author outlines some of the difficulties of living with the feeling of shame and guilt, as well as showcasing some of his own feelings about what he has done. This theme applies not only to O’Brien but all drafted soldiers fighting in the war, which he proves in his writing, and is reinstated throughout the novel through examples ranging from shame for going to the war despite his beliefs, the man he killed, and holding responsibility for the death of a fellow …show more content…
Therefore, shame causes him, like many other drafted soldiers, to join a war he did not believe in and fight for a cause he did not believe was worthy of fight, especially when it came to sacrificing himself. The theme of guilt plays a crucial role in the novel. O’Brien is faced with the moral consequences of the choices he made throughout the war, including wrongful actions in the heat of the moment and continuous decisions with blameworthy long-term effects. The reader learns that dealing with guilt can be a painstaking and lengthy process, and the great extent to which one’s actions can affect their everyday lives, even long after they were committed. One example of this struggle is demonstrated in the chapter, “The Man I Killed”, which focuses on the emotions and coping methods that O’Brien feels for killing an anonymous man by throwing a grenade at him. The chapter entails the contemplation that the author goes through in order to cope with the guilty feeling of killing another human being, and he tries to ‘bring him to life’ by imagining that the dead man “had no stomach for violence”.

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