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Submitted By parshantbb
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Consumer Buyer Behavior

Marketing 120 – Learning Outcome 4 Assignment #2
Course: Business Certificate Program
Total: 8 marks
Marks Evaluation : 3% Submission Date: 19.2.16

Product involvement has a significant impact on the way consumers make decisions. On one hand, if buyers are very involved in a purchase decision, they are likely to spend a lot of time and effort collecting and analyzing information related to that purchase. On the other hand, if buyers do not consider a purchase decision critical, and are only marginally involved in the purchase, they will make the decision without much deliberation or cognitive effort. Buying a house or a car is considered a high-involvement purchase for most consumers, whereas buying candy would be considered a low-involvement purchase. Compare and contrast the websites of two companies—one selling cars and the other selling candies—and see if the sites take into account the consumer involvement levels in their site design.

For cars visit the BMW website ( For candies, visit the Wrigley chewing gum website ( After visiting these sites, answer the following questions:

1. Car buying is a high-involvement decision. What are the factors that play an important role in this decision? Give examples from the BMW site of how these issues are addressed by BMW. (3)

2. A high-involvement decision tends to be a rational decision. Still there can be a strong, emotional component to the decision as well. How does the BMW website address this aspect of the purchase decision? (2)

3. Buying snacks or gum is considered a low-involvement purchase. Describe how the Wrigley’s site reflects the different level of consumer involvement in deciding to purchase candy/gum. (3)

Note : Use APA Format and team of 2 students to be involved.

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