...Yes, minister is a British satirical sitcom that ran from 1980 and 1984 while its sequel Yes, Prime Minister ran from 1986 to 1988. It is set in the office of a British cabinet minister and it shows Jim Hacker (as a minister for administrative affairs) and his struggles to bring about changes in the government. His attempts are prevented by his Permanent Secretary Sir Humphrey Appleby. 2. Kaj so povedal notr glede Brexita in EU + The devil you know Even though Yes, minister is 30 years old the political issues mentioned seem timeless. There are two episodes that in my opinion describe what British people think about the EU. I’m going to show you this clip from the episode The writing on the wall: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37iHSwA1SwE In this clip that went viral around the time Brexit happened, Sir Humphrey Appleby explains to Jim Hacker that the reason the UK joined the EU (or what was at that time European Economic Community) was to destroy it from inside. The clip further explains that Britain was eager to bring more countries to join the EU but only to make them quarrel between themselves/to encourage disagreements between them and by that make the EU become weaker. It shows what could have been the reason the UK actually joined the EU in the first place and how British people actually view the EU....
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...The case for a possible Brexit and its impact on the UK economy is one that has been widely discussed over the years, given the significant economic effects it imposes on both parties involved. The UK taking up its membership into the EU in 1973 following its establishment in 1967 enabled vast benefits of free trade to be shared amongst members of this trading bloc. However, over a quarterly time series from 1999 to 2014 the UK has been noted to have run a relatively large balance of trade deficit in terms of its trade in goods with the EU (see figure 2), and as such lays emphasis on the UK’s lack of competitiveness, specifically in its manufacturing industry. The importance of the EU has increasingly become more significant in terms of the UK’s total economic activity, generated through trade transactions. Figure 1: ONS As seen in figure 1, there has been a downward trend in the transaction with the EU expressed as a percentage of UK GDP, falling by 231.25% from Q1 of 1991 to Q4 of 2014. In relations to the total trade in goods with the EU, there has generally been a deficit, which increased by 874.9% from 1999 to 2014. From figure 2 it can be observed that the largest deficit of -£21500m occurred in Q4 of 2014 and the lowest in Q4 of 1999. Figure 2: ONS The persistent balance of trade deficit seemed to be a result of imports from the EU to the UK exceeding exports. This could be the case as the percentage increase in exports from transactions...
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...hub for travel and migration, and is now the tenth most popular country to migrate as 273,000 people come in annually. White British is the primary race demographic composing 80.3% although the Muslim population is rapidly increasing. These factors help to strengthen their overall economy and the value of their currency, the British Pound. Their GDP is 2.862 trillion US dollars. The country has demonstrated good economic resilience with effective rule of law, an open trading environment, and a well-developed financial sector. The overall tax burden equals 32.6 percent of total domestic income. The spending by thte government has come to a total of forty-four percent of the total output GDP in the past three years. Along with this, budget deficits have averaged 5.2 perfect of the GDP....
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...together. In doing so, he made clear that Britain would be a supportive but independent partner of any such entity. He famously said: 'We are with Europe but not of it." In the end, Britain did join the European Economic Community but only in 1973, 15 years after the Treaty of Rome was signed. We joined the Social Chapter in 1997, eight years after it was adopted by other member states. And we never signed up to Economic and Monetary Union or the Schengen Agreement on common borders. However, it is not until now that the British public have been presented with the opportunity to have their say on the matter of our continued membership. Following the 2015 general election, the re-elected Prime Minister David Cameron reiterated a Conservative Party manifesto commitment to hold an 'in-out' referendum on Britain's membership of the European Union by the end of 2017 following renegotiations with EU leaders. This means that between now and the vote the public have to decide whether Europe benefits the country regarding immigration, trade, investment and the protection of Human Rights and peace. Firstly, with regards to the economic repercussions of leaving the EU, many supporters of the so called “Brexit” claim that Britain would have very little difficulty in negotiating some form of free trade agreement with the EU once it left because, if trade barriers between Britain and the remaining member-states were erected upon exit, the EU would lose more exports earnings from Britain than vice...
Words: 2009 - Pages: 9
...A N N U A L REPORT 2015 Financial Highlights As of or for the year ended December 31, (in millions, except per share, ratio data and headcount) Reported basis1 Total net revenue Total noninterest expense Pre-provision profit Provision for credit losses Net income Per common share data Net income per share: Basic Diluted Cash dividends declared Book value Tangible book value2 2015 $ $ $ Selected ratios Return on common equity Return on tangible common equity2 Common equity Tier 1 (“CET1”) capital ratio3 Tier 1 capital ratio3 Total capital ratio3 Selected balance sheet data (period-end) Loans Total assets Deposits Total stockholders’ equity Headcount 93,543 59,014 34,529 3,827 24,442 6.05 6.00 1.72 60.46 48.13 2014 $ $ $ 95,112 61,274 33,838 3,139 21,745 5.33 5.29 1.58 56.98 44.60 11% 13 11.6 13.3 14.7 $ 837,299 2,351,698 1,279,715 247,573 234,598 10% 13 10.2 11.4 12.7 $ 757,336 2,572,274 1,363,427 231,727 241,359 Note: 2014 has been revised to reflect the adoption of new accounting guidance related to debt issuance costs and investments in affordable housing projects. For additional information, see Accounting and Reporting Developments and Note 1 on pages 170 and 183, respectively. 1 Results are presented in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (U.S. GAAP), except where otherwise noted. 2 Non-GAAP financial measure. For further discussion, see “Explanation and Reconciliation of the Firm’s Use Of Non-GAAP ...
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