... PASO 4 (Aplicación de la metodología QFD y construcción) : 4.1- Obtención de la voz del cliente: En este primer paso hemos averiguado la necesidades de los clientes (QUEs), a través de los siguientes métodos: • Encuestas respondidas directamente por los clientes. • Entrevistas. • Estudios de mercado encontrados en internet. Analizando cada uno de los métodos anteriormente mencionados detenidamente, hemos obtenido que como general las expresiones de los clientes cuando les hemos preguntado ante los requisitos que ellos consideran importantes en un bolígrafo, han sido: • Que funcione. • Que se adapte a la forma de la mano. • Que sea de botón. • Que sea sencillo. • Que dure la tinta del bolígrafo • Que sea ligero. • Que sea económico. • Diseño original e innovador •...
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...Is Mac Flecknoe a lampoon or a satire? At a time when fiction from Grub Street hack writers (whom he called the “multitude of scribblers, who daily pester the world with their insufferable stuff ”) was becoming widely read, courtly poets and dramatists like Dryden felt a need to play the public role of arbiters of literary taste. Dryden was actively engaged in contemporary debates which sought to lay down standards of what was considered high and low art. He published his “Essay of Dramatic Poesie” in 1667 and “Discourses on Satire and Epic Poetry” in 1692. Both of these served as prescriptive texts for what passed muster as “good” art. In an age of a revived interest in the classics, many of the instructions on good satirical writing are based on the works of Horace, Persius and Juvenal. While he did not think highly of Horatian verse which used word-play like anagrams and “ackrosticks” and was favoured by Francophiles poets, he admired Juvenal and Persius for their unity of plot and their use of Wit, which he saw as a more masculine device than lampooning or raillery. In MacFlecknoe, Dryden’s definition of good art also comes to be strongly associated with class. When he says that bad poetry laden with “Pure Clinches” or puns is inspired by the “suburban Muse”, his implication is that it is only the genteel circles of London that produce and read good poetry – thus, Bun-hill and Watling Street are down-market parts of London which by virtue of their economic demography...
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...Answer : Metaphysical poetry, in an etymological sense, is poetry on subjects which exist beyond the physical world. In other words, it is a type of poetry dealing with abstract or philosophical subjects such as love, religion, God, beauty, faith and so on. But in reality the poetry which comprises the ideas or aspects that – physical love leading to spiritual union or religious, argumentative presentation of emotion, terseness of expression, use of conceit and wit in profusion, skillful use of colloquial language instead of Elizabethan lucid diction with the abrupt opening can be considered to be metaphysical. Originally the term ‘ Metaphysical Poetry ’ was coined by John Dryden and later popularised by Samuel Johnson and the features of the school which unite the various authors are quite numerous. As well as making widespread use of conceit, paradox and punning, the metaphysical poets drew their imagery from all sources of knowledge particularly from science, theology, geography and philosophy. However, John Donne is the founder of the school of metaphysical poetry and the other practitioners of the type of poetry are Crashaw, Cowley, Denham, Davenant, Herbert, Marvell , Vaughan and Waller . The most striking quality of Donne’s poetry is the use of metaphysical conceit which is a figure of speech in which two far fetched objects or images of very different nature are compared. It surprises its readers by its ingenious discovery and delights them by...
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...towards a common goal of the organization. The key to organizing functions of management will help determine goals along with objectives, responsibilities, and resources. This paper will address two resources, such as knowledge and technology that are key factors in the organizing function of management at Prudential Insurance Company of America. With any organization, knowledge of the customer needs is just as important as the knowledge of the products. Prudential is known for their innovative products due to their knowledge and experience in helping their customers. Prudential Insurance Company of America is one of the largest and well known insurance companies worldwide. Prudential was founded by an insurance agent named John Fairfield Dryden in the downtown Newark, N.J., in 1875. It was the first company in the United States that offered life insurance and industrial insurance which provide funeral and burial expense for all working class. Prudential’s sales expanded from New Jersey to New York and Philadelphia. The growth sales and assets grew to $1 Million in 1885. The company was renamed to “The Prudential Insurance Company of America and later adopted The Rock of Gibraltar as its company symbol” (www.prudential.com). The Rock of Gibraltar is a representation of a symbol known as strength and security that is offered to all customers. For over 130 years, Prudential has continuously provided products that helped all Americans meet...
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...COMUNICARE MANAGERIALĂ ŞI RELAŢII PUBLICE COMUNICARE MANAGERIALĂ ŞI RELAŢII PUBLICE CUPRINS PARTEA I: COMUNICAREA MANAGERIALĂ 1. COMUNICARE ŞI DECIZIE 1.1 Funcţiile conducerii organizaţiilor 1.2 Structura de autoritate şi responsabilitate 2. STILURI DE CONDUCERE ŞI COMUNICARE 2.1 Tendinţe actuale în formarea managerilor 2.2 Caracterizarea şi clasificarea stilurilor de conducere 2.3 Puterea şi influenţa în organizaţii 3. COMUNICARE FORMALĂ ŞI INFORMALĂ 3.1 Comunicarea formală 3.2 Comunicarea informală 3.3 Noile tehnologii şi comunicarea în organizaţii PARTEA II: RELAŢIILE PUBLICE 4. CONCEPTE ŞI STRUCTURI 4.1 Definiţii ale relaţiilor publice 4.2 Delimitarea de alte domenii 4.3 Domenii şi structuri de relaţii publice 5. MANAGEMENTUL RELAŢIILOR PUBLICE 5.1 Cercetarea în relaţiile publice 5.2 Planificarea în relaţiile publice 5.3 Aplicarea planului 5.4 Evaluarea 6. STRATEGIA ŞI PLANUL DE RELAŢII PUBLICE 6.1 Stabilirea obiectivelor 6.2 Strategii şi tactici de relaţii publice 6.3 Tehnici de relaţii publice 6.4 Metode de evaluare a planului 7. CAMPANIA DE RELAŢII PUBLICE 7.1 Diferenţe între termeni 7.2 Tipuri de campanii 7.3 Planul unei campanii de relaţii publice 8. COMUNICAREA ÎN SITUAŢII DE CRIZĂ 8.1 Tipuri de criză 8.2 Planificarea în cazul situaţiei de criză 8.3 Managementul crizei 8.4 Erori în gestionarea crizelor 8.5 Strategii de gestionare a crizelor 1. COMUNICARE ŞI DECIZIE Obiective a) Înţelegerea importanţa specifică a deciziei, a momentelor predecizionale şi postdecizionale...
Words: 42796 - Pages: 172
...comportamentul consumatorului note de curs CUPRINS i . Noţiunile şi dimensiunile comportamentului consumatorului 3 1. Noţiuni şi concepte 3 2. Procese elementare în abordarea comportamentului consumatorului 4 3. Definirea comportamentului consumatorului 8 II. PROCESUL DECIZIONAL DE CUMPĂRARE 11 III. COORDONATE GLOBALE ALE STUDIERII COMPORTAMENTULUI CONSUMATORULUI 15 1. Informaţiile necesare studierii comportamentului consumatorului 15 2. Posibilităţi şi limite ale studierii comportamentului consumatorului 17 3. Studierea comportamentului consumatorului în contextul globalizării producţiei şi consumului 18 IV. Proiectarea şi realizarea studiilor comportamentale. Obiective urmărite 21 V. MODALITĂŢI PRACTICE DE STUDIERE A COMPORTAMENTULUI CONSUMATORULUI 26 1. Studierea comportamentului consumatorului în mediul concurenţial 26 2. Studierea activităţilor comerciale – punct de plecare în studierea comportamentului consumatorului 27 3. Comportamentul consumatorului şi imaginea magazinului 28 4. Studierea stilului de viaţă 30 5.Comportamentul consumatorului şi valoarea capitalizată în marcă 30 6. Cercetarea calitativă a comportamentului consumatorului 32 7. Cercetarea cantitativă a comportamentului consumatorului 33 VI. aplicarea rezultatelor studiilor comportamentale 35 1. Fundamentarea deciziilor de marketing prin rezultate ale studierii comportamentului consumatorului – segmentarea şi tipologia pieţei 35 2. Analiza de...
Words: 22504 - Pages: 91
...Psihologie practică Peter Collett Cartea gesturilor Cum putem citi gândurile oamenilor din acţiunile lor de psihologul emisiunii Big Brother Traducere din limba engleză de Alexandra Borş Editori: MARIUS CHIVU SILVIU DRAGOMIR VASILE DEM. ZAMFIRESCU Coperta colecţiei: DINU DUMBRĂVICIAN Redactor: DANIELA ŞTEFĂNESCU Ilustraţia: SILVIA OLTEANU Tehnoredactarea computerizată: CRISTIAN CLAUDIU COBAN Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale a României COLLETT, PETER Cartea gesturilor : Cum putem citi gândurile oamenilor din acţiunile lor / Peter Collett : trad.: Alexandra Borş. Bucureşti : Editura Trei, 2005 (Psihologie practică) Bihliogr. ISBN 973-707-008-9 I. Borş, Alexandra (trad.) 159.925 8T22I Această carte a fost tradusă după THE BOOK OF TELLS, How to Read People's Minds from Their Actions, by the Big Brother resident psychologist de Peter Collett, Transworld Publishers, a division of The Random House Group Ltd, Londra, 2003 Copyright © Peter Collet, 2003 Illustrations © Gino D'Achille Copyright © Editura Trei. 2005, pentru ediţia în limba română CP. 27-40. Bucureşti Tel/Fax: +4 021 224 55 26 E-maill: office@edituratrei.ro www.edituratrei.ro ISBN 9 7 3 - 7 0 7 - 0 0 8 - 9 Pentru Jill, Katie şi Clementine Mulţumiri Aş dori să le mulţumesc soţiei mele Jill şi fiicelor mele, Katie şi Clementine, pentru răbdarea lor şi pentru sprijinul afectuos fără care această carte nu ar fi fost posibilă. Îi datorez mulţumiri şi agentului meu literar Caradoc King, pentru sfaturile...
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