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Submitted By suleyman
Words 335
Pages 2
Body Biography Extra

As an extra for Hiroshima, produce a visual representation of a character from the novel. Follow the directions below, glue your ‘body biography’ into your I-Notebook, then write two paragraphs explaining your biography . You may use the silhouette provided, or create your own.

Requirements: • Step 1: Choose a character from Hiroshima to represent. • Step 2: Write the character’s name at the top of your paper and gather information about your character from the novel. • Step 3: Represent the following aspects of your character symbolically on the body silhouette: The Heart – Where should it be placed to best represent what this character loves most? What should it look like and what shape, color, pictures, or symbols should be included in it? If what the character loves changes, find a way to represent this visually. The Backbone – This should be presented in a way that visually conveys what motivates the character most. For example, since Jack in Lord of the Flies is obsessed with hunting, his backbone might consist of a series of pigs, or knifes. The Hands – What does the character hold in her or his hands? Items that are associated with the character either literally or symbolically should be included. The Feet – What does the character stand for or believe in? This should be a symbolic representation of the character’s most important beliefs about life. The Background – Include elements that depict the character’s environment, background, or situation. Quotations – Near the character’s head, place two or three direct quotations from the novel that best describe and differentiate your character from the others in the novel. Be sure to cite these quotes properly. • Step 4: Glue into your I-Notebook • Step 5: On the opposite page, write two well-crafted

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