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To Be Married or to Be Single


Submitted By dukedagod
Words 1070
Pages 5
To Be Married or To Be Single? Ortavious Byrd Course COM/155 November 17, 2013 MICHELE ARMENTROUT

How does one decide to be single or to be married? Which is truly the best decision? Does marital status determine how stable, successful, or even happy an individual can be? While there are several ways to view life, singles or married. Certain studies show that marital status does have a tremendous effect on the outcome of one’s success, stability, happiness, and sometimes even health. Several studies conclude that married couples generally live longer than singles. Marriage is also a great tradition and ritual in American and several other cultures. Despite these finding, being single is now trending at an all-time high. Today’s fading marital rate, which was at 72 percent in 1970, is now at only 59 percent and desperately needs to be restored. These days, there are not any real pressures to get married. In fact, there are several justifiable reasons not to get married. One of the most glamorous reasons for being single is freedom. Singles have freedom to do whatever, whenever, however, and with whomever one wants. What is there not to like about this portion of the “fabulous single life”. One can also enjoy the opportunity to completely focus on oneself, without the added pressures of a significant other or family. One can do things like focus more on the building of a career. Single life allows one the free time needed to focus on a higher level. There is more time to be invested putting in long hours at work or getting much needed study time to get further ahead. Singles also enjoy the lack of commitment and compromise. The lack of these things allows a single person to explore

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