...Games? The only thing she really knows at the beginning of the book is how to provide for her family. Katniss, being a natural survivor, gets through the games easily. She can run, she can hunt, she can camouflage, and most importantly, she has the instinct that she needs to stay alive. But that’s really all she has going for her. Katniss is socially awkward, stubborn, and determined to a fault. She’s also self-centered and self-reliant. Her pessimistic self really shows when she is narrating. Katniss’s struggles with her father’s death has hardened her, making her a somewhat difficult character to actually connect with. Everybody likes a happy story with a kind and self-sacrificing main character, but Katniss is far from that. She doesn’t have much warmth and love to offer anyone, and she finds it hard to get attached to someone – only socializing with her family, Gale’s family, and occasionally Hob traders. Katniss is a self-trusting person. She will only rely on herself and is stubborn when it comes to asking for help. Well, I guess she’s got some good sides to her, too. Katniss is a tragic hero, saving her sister and taking her place in the Hunger Games. She’s noble to a degree, protecting Rue, who reminded Katniss so much of her own sister. She mercifully killed Cato, another tribute who’s been basically terrorizing her and Peeta for the entire duration of the Games. And most importantly to the plotline, she cared for Peeta during the Games, going as far as to risk her life...
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...Economic opportunity, social equality and personal freedom are societal ideals desired by nearly every individual, and such is no different for those who lived the Cuban Revolution. Poet and political activist Nicolás Guillén well documents these widely sought after ideals in Cuban society by expressing the newfound liberties of post-revolutionary Cuba in his 1964 poem “I Have.” Through anaphoric repetition of the poem’s titular phrase, Guillén emphatically depicts a vibrant Cuban nation teeming with natural beauty, societal peace and equality, and individual liberties by poetically listing the newfound personal freedoms and opportunities of post-revolutionary Cuban society. Guillén illustrates the dissipation of racial and class divisions by establishing himself, “being Black,” as a firsthand authority in witnessing the changing social climate of Cuba (29). By specifically referring to his skin color as a source of his authority on the subject, Guillén establishes ethos in his firsthand accounts of how racial and class boundaries are deteriorating. To evidence his assertion of a positively transformed social climate, Guillén illustrates a new Cuban society devoid of racist mentalities and remarks by calling upon specific examples of how no one can “stop [him] at the door” or “on the rug of a hotel” and how no one can “scream at [him] that there are no rooms” (30-32). Guillén’s illustration of dissipating racial tensions is accompanied his personal account of how he “learned...
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...Dropbox-Schnellstart Was ist Dropbox? Dropbox ist ein kostenloser Service, mit dem du alle deine Fotos, Dokumente und Videos immer zur Hand hast. Alle Dateien, die du in deiner Dropbox speicherst, werden auch automatisch auf allen deinen Computern, Handys und sogar auf der Dropbox-Website gespeichert. Das bedeutet, dass du auf deinem Computer in der Schule oder im Büro mit deiner Arbeit beginnen und sie auf deinem Computer zu Hause fertigstellen kannst. Jetzt musst du dir nie wieder eine Datei an deine eigene E-Mail-Adresse schicken! Der Dropbox-Ordner Wenn du Dropbox auf deinem Computer installiert, wird ein Dropbox-Ordner erstellt. Da du diesen Leitfaden liest, hattest du offensichtlich keine Probleme, deinen Dropbox-Ordner zu finden. Dieser Ordner funktioniert wie alle anderen Ordner auf deinem Computer, mit einer Besonderheit. Jede Datei, die du in deinem Dropbox-Ordner speicherst, wird auch auf allen deinen anderen Computern, Handys und der Dropbox-Website gespeichert. Auf deiner Dropbox siehst du ein grünes Symbol, das dir Informationen über deine Dropbox gibt: Grüner Kreis mit Haken: Alle Dateien in deiner Dropbox sind auf dem aktuellen Stand. Blauer Kreis mit Pfeilen: Dateien in deiner Dropbox werden gerade aktualisiert. Deiner Dropbox Dateien hinzufügen Schritt 1 Zieh' eine Datei in deinen Dropbox-Ordner und lege sie dort ab. Schritt 2 Das blaue Symbol weist darauf hin, dass deine Datei mit Dropbox synchronisiert...
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...A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing nothing to say A had nothing nothing...
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...Chiwai Lai Business 101 Dr. Asish Satpathy Reflective essay Am I better prepared today for my dream career (after taking this class)? Information trends to be the root in business world because any information could spread out all over the world in a moment by uploading to the Internet, where is as same as public. At this moment as I am a new student of University of California Riverside, my primary focus of my major of Business Administration is to understand and to analysis what business world is, how the trend of business goes, how business would runs and what elements of business world is accounted a higher percentage etc. Thinking of that Management of Information system (MIS) is the easiest class of the entire business school (SoBa) is my first thought about this course, but when this course was half way gone, then it turns out that I was wrong because MIS is involved many technologies and knowledge that are both simple and complicated, such as Microsoft Access and ArcGIS. Since that the course has given students many concept of MIS, and the basis of the basic concept in my point of view is that the information system is to provide information in order to support a manager to operate a company. As the basic, I would try to pursue a manager in my career life because manager is a challenging position of a company, and its job is to lead and to organize a group of employees to be efficient and performative to take any challenge of a company in order to achieve a goal...
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...life is not free; you have to earn diplomas, degrees, wages, etc. As a student in the Sullivan Alternative Program, I have been productive in class each day, dressed appropriately, and maintained a calm and cooperative attitude in order to complete my term at the Sullivan center and return to J. L. Mann High School. First of all, I have been productive in class each day. I have remembered that school is for education and I have put forth my best effort to succeed in life. I set my alarm clock and I got up early every morning and made it to school on time. I was in my assigned seat and ready to go to work. I came to class prepared with the necessary materials. I had my pencil, pens, paper and books. My pencil was sharpened before each class started. I kept up with my syllabus and scheduled work daily. For each class I dressed appropriately. I dressed according to the school rules. I have not sagged my pants. I have not worn pants that have elastic at the band. I have not worn clothes with offensive sayings printed on them. When I wore a hat or a cap I removed it when I entered the building. I understood that the dress code in school was for my safety and it was also to prepare me for my future. Although we had some hot days, I still wore the proper shoes and I kept my shirttail tucked at all times. I have tried to have a calm, pleasing, cooperative attitude at all times. I have respected my teachers and the administrators at the Sullivan Center. I have respected my classmates...
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...Have a Healthy To have a happy pregnancy you must keep healthy habits. Physical healthy on your pregnancy can be acquired with healthy diet and exercise yet you must also take care of your mental health. Here you can learn couple ways to keep physical and mental health during your pregnancy. Keep your diet healthy should be easy if you already have healthy habits on your household but don’t worry you don’t need a diet just healthy eating habits. Unless you have diabetes or other pregnancy complications you don’t need a special diet but you should build healthy eating habits. Start by changing your pantry and your shopping list, if you don’t have it you wont eat and you a void the stress of temptations. To build strong new habits slowly change how you eat and snack. Been pregnant require that you eat more often so you need to make the snack time healthy. You don’t have to throw your snacks away but slowly change them to healthy ones like fruits, crackers, nuts and etc. According to The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist (2000) “Planning your pregnancy and birth” a healthy diet should have all elements of the food pyramid: fats, sweets (small amount), vegetables, fruits, cereal, rice, pasta and breads. You can eat anything with moderation. Being pregnant may make you have cravings, so don’t stress feed yourself just eat in moderation; a health serving should be not larger than your hand (112). In case you not sure how to measure a snack you can use a cup measures:...
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...Immigrants Need Support The dangers that are seen on the border have increased drastically year by year. The U.S. Border Patrol has impacting gangs, cartels and immigrants on the Mexican border. The U.S. Border Patrol faces danger when they go up against the drug cartels at the border because the people the drug cartels send across the border sometimes carry firearms, making it difficult for the border to determine if they should open fire on the person. There are many places along the U.S. border where these groups are put at high risk for safety. There is no guaranteed safety for either side, therefore based off the decision, to cross or not to cross, the consequences of what happen depends on the individual. There are people, coyotes, who know of certain parts of the border where they can help immigrants cross but they do not guarantee that they will make it across safely. Immigrant families Immigration from the Southern Mexico to the United States occurs on a freight train, “La Bestia” which takes passengers directly to the United States border, starting in Chiapas and crossing all of Mexico until the border (Watson and Jerrreat). These passengers ride on top of the train or in the freights, putting their life at risk to the point of death. One important aspect of this train is that drug cartels are in charge of the fees mounting the train. They charge what is equivalent to 100 dollars (Watson and Jerreat). Once that is paid in some form or another, they still pose many...
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..."I have a dream!" goes the famous speech. Famous words about freedom, about enforcing principles, and about anti-discrimination. But it appears we have fallen behind. For I know a place where you are guilty until proven innocent; where freedom of speech is ignored; where the rights of the people are stomped upon by their higher-ups, and where freedom of expression is restricted. "Where"" I hear you cry. "Let us strike down this bastion of discrimination and oppression within our borders! There cannot be a place such as this inside a country such as ours!" But there is. And it is here, at grade schools. Places where you cannot write what you wish, without it being edited for content. You cannot say what you want, at risk of being given detention or worse. You cannot write a paper for fear you will be made to prove that it is your work. You can be detained on the arbitrary whim of a faculty member. And all of this is very troubling, not in the least because it directly contradicts the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, enforceable under the Constitution Act. The academic honesty policy is disgusting. In practice, it means that if a teacher suspects you of cheating on a paper, you have to prove you didn't. Of course, the fact that this completely contradicts section 11d of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (hereafter referred to as the CCRF) doesn't cross their minds. Because the only place the law is not the law is within these walls. The fact that you are...
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...the speech, “I have a dream” by Martin Luther King Jr, he speaks of African-Americans, not receiving the civil rights they were promised when The Emancipation Proclamation was signed One Hundred years prior. He spoke of black people not getting the freedom promised by the U.S. Constitution, as well as all races working together with no violence to achieve peace, also spoke of his dream of a future where everyone could get along. Martin Luther King Jr, speaks about blacks still not getting the freedom promised. Even after slavery, the acts of segregation and discrimination were worse than imagined and King felt it when he said, “ One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination.” After Slavery, these acts worsened due to the fact that many people believed that granting the slaves freedom, should not have happened. Also, One hundred years later the people could not get over a problem they had because of skin color, and their feeling of superiority. Black people at the time, were shunned, and could not live properly, due to segregation and discrimination, like when King said, “ the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land “. Black people as well as any other races, are part of society and should be able to live normal lives without the bonds of discrimination. They are american citizens, so just because they have a different color...
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...Discrimination is an ethical issue that I believe would have an ethical component. In the United States, discrimination against people based on their ethnicity, racial or cultural orientation is strictly forbidden under federal and state laws in all sectors. Age discrimination is just one of many discriminatory issues. Back in 2011, my mother was laid off with Sun Times Media. My mother has over 26 years of experience in the newspaper industry and was high ranked in her company. However, the time came she was left looking for a new job. It took her almost a year to find a new job and she ended up having to take a 50 percent pay cut. Although she had 26 years of sales, customer service, and managerial skills, she was still looked down upon by several employers. A lot of employers have stereotypes towards older workers, and believe that they may be inflexible or resistant to change. They feel that they may also lack technology usage. Yes, some older workers are like that, but remember this: Some younger workers are like that, too. Laws are in place to prevent age discrimination. Frankly, they don’t do the job very well. When it comes to age, there are too many ways to discriminate with great subtlety, making detection, let alone prosecution, enormously difficult. Some common examples of age discrimination in the workplace include employers laying off mostly older employees, and keeping a lot of the younger ones with less experience, the older employees start receiving bad job evaluations...
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...Exercise 1 (25 points) a) You need some money today and the only friend you have that has any is your ‘miserly’ friend. He agrees to loan you the money you need, if you make payments of €20 a month for the next six month. In keeping with his reputation, he requires that the first payment be paid today. He also charges you 1.5 percent interest per month. How much money are you borrowing? b) You borrow €149,000 to buy a house. The mortgage rate is 7.5 percent and the loan period is 30 years. Payments are made monthly. If you pay for the house according to the loan agreement, how much total interest will you pay? c) You are considering an annuity which costs €100,000 today. The annuity pays €6,000 a year. The rate of return is 4.5 percent. What is the length of the annuity time period? d) You deposit €3,000 in a retirement account today at 5.5 percent interest. How much more money will you have if you leave the money invested for forty-five years rather than forty years? e) Beatrice invests €1,000 in an account that pays 4 percent simple interest. How much more could she have earned over a five-year period if the interest had compounded annually? Exercise 2 (25 points) A project will produce costs (variable plus fixed) of €45,000 a year for four years. During the life of the project, inventory will be lowered by €30,000 and accounts receivable will increase by €15,000. Accounts payable will decrease by €10,000. The project ...
Words: 585 - Pages: 3
...characters using these three techniques. For each technique, give at least one example and explain how the author uses the method to reveal the character in the example you have chosen. Answer: Technique | Story name and example from text | Explanation of how author uses the method to reveal the character | Speech | ? | | Actions | ? | | Interactions | ? | | (Score for Question 2: ___ of 8 points) Are there any themes that run through more than one of the memoirs in this unit? If so, what are they? List at least two themes that appear in more than one of the memoirs you read, and explain the similarities you noticed in how the author explored those themes. Answer: Uplifting, Courage (Score for Question 3: ___ of 8 points) Think of two words to describe the tone of each of the four memoirs you read in this unit. List these two words for each memoir and briefly explain why these words describe the story’s tone. “A Cub Pilot” Bravery and courage to become a Cub pilot “Barrio Boy” Trouble, Struggle “No Gumption” energy, motive I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Uplifting, Sad (Score for Question 4: ___ of 9 points) What are some of the elements that make a memoir a memoir? Write a paragraph in which you describe at least three characteristics of a typical memoir, like the stories you have been reading in this...
Words: 344 - Pages: 2
...Immigration to the United States is what built the country up to what it is today. The U.S is known as the “Great Melting Pot,” because people from all over the world travel the distance to settle here. Living in the U.S is so desirable because it is the “land of milk and honey,” as well as “land of opportunity.” This desire is still as strong as it was when the country was first being built. In today’s society there are numerous opinions on the subject of immigration, whether or not it should be allowed at all. Since the United States is viewed as a sort of “promise land” for people of all ethnic and cultural backgrounds, it is not only expanded by legal immigrants but also it is intruded by people who enter the country illegally. With the number of illegal aliens entering undetected increasing, many people say that immigration in general should be cut off. People say that the immigrants take up the jobs and take advantage of the governments funding programs. To generalize all immigrants into a category of lazy and useless is wrong. Many immigrants come to this country to better their lives by receiving a higher education, better jobs or better living conditions so that their future generations can live a happy life. People see America is a land where they can escape persecution, poverty, and fear for their lives. By shutting the door to all immigrants, the country would be turning their back on people, who really need their help. God would not approve of that and would view...
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...e We Have a Problem Nancy Vang 01/22/12 Professor De La Cruz “Business ethics is written and unwritten codes of principles and values that govern decisions and actions within a company” (Love to know business, 2012). Also known as corporate ethics or professional ethics, it incorporates moral guidelines as also the problems a business entity frequently faces. Businesses started specifying their ethical principles from the late 1980s, perhaps to stay away from scandals in businesses. However, there are a million ethical issues in today's businesses and unfortunately there is no perfect decision measurement for all these ethical issues. The ethical issues in international businesses are much more complicated and much more delicate, along with being tenfold in numbers. Therefore, let’s take a look at Corporate Intelligence. How do you think it relates to ethics? And why it is an ethical issue? Corporate Intelligence issue relates to ethics by being a purposeful and coordinating monitoring of your competitors within a specific marketplace. It also has to do with determining what your business rivals will do before they do it. It is to gain foreknowledge of your competitor's plans and to plan your business strategy to countervail their plans. As you might expect, this will involve many methods at the tactical collection level, but it will also require integration into your existing information infrastructure, analysis and distribution of the information, and...
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