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Battle of the Alamo


Submitted By duby0220
Words 1778
Pages 8
The Battle of the Alamo

This paper is a battle analysis of the Battle of the Alamo, which took place in 1836. It reviews the location and its significance within the war for independence that was taking placing during that time. The actions by the Texas revolutionary forces and Mexicans leading up to and during the battle are listed within the writing. It reveals the issue between the force stationed at the Alamo and their superior, General Sam Houston. The defenders at the Alamo didn’t receive support that was needed in order to provide intelligence of the Mexican force that was on its way. On the other hand, they didn’t listen to the order to vacate the fort. These are a couple of the major problems that took place before and during the battle. Although the battle was essential to inspiring the rest of the Texan forces, it leads me to believe that this important conflict could have turned out differently.

The Battle of the Alamo The Battle of the Alamo is the most famous battle of the Texas revolution that took place in the early 1800s. “For many Americans and most Texans, the battle has become a symbol of patriotic sacrifice” (Hardin, 2010). Even though the Texans lost the battle, it contributed to the successful war for independence against Mexico. There were, at least, two decisions that may have altered the consequence of the Battle of the Alamo if more cautiously considered. The defenders at the Alamo didn’t receive support that was needed in order to defend the garrison against the Mexican force that was on its way. On the other hand, they didn’t listen to the order to vacate the fort. If the commanders at the Alamo had utilized scouts or spies appropriately and communicated the intelligence gathered better, then it could have benefited pleads for support. A battle analysis of this event gives an interpretation of the setting, the actions

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