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Battle Of The Alamo Research Paper

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Battle of the Alamo

On February 23, 1836 the battle of the Alamo began and ended on March 6, 1836. The battle of the Alamo was fought over many issues like Federalism, slavery, immigration rights, the cotton industry and above all, money which wasn't the things that the Alamo wanted. The Santa Anna's went against the Alamos . The battle was fought against General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna's who was the enemy. The battle of the Alamo took place in San Antonio. On the first day of the battle in February 23, 1836. Mexican dictator, General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna and his troops arrived in San Antonio and began the siege preparation at the Alamo. Travis immediately sent a request to Gonzalez for help.

In February 24, 1836 Travis assumes overall command of the Alamo after Bowie becomes too sick to serve as a commander. Santa Anna ordered a unit of gun to be constructed on the west side of the river. In February 25,1836 the two hour engagement occurs when Santa Anna's troops attempt to occupy Jacales located near the southwest corner of the compound. Members of the garrison venture out and burn the Jacales this night. Santa Anna's soldiers constructs a unit of guns on the South of the Alamo in order to attack them. James W. Fannin …show more content…
In February 28, 1836 the Alamo continues longer than usual and continues the heavy gunfire from Santa Anna’s unit of guns. In February 29, 1836 Santa Anna sends troops toward the city Goliad to prevent the Texian reinforcements that are reportedly being brought by James Fannin. Mexican troops are also positioned East of the Alamo, completing the target of the isolated and surrounding by enemy forces of the besieged garrison. Evidence indicates an informal agreement between the two enemy's was completed today, which may allow some civilians inside the Alamo to leave and never come

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