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The Manhattan Project: The Ultimate Weapon

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One of man’s most devastating weapons, The Atom Bomb. The first time this particular weapon was used for warfare was during World War II when the United States bombed both Hiroshima and Nagasaki just days apart in August 1945. Where did this monstrosity originate? Via the “Manhattan Project”.The Manhattan Project was a combination of the United States’ financial, scientific, industrial, and technological might to produce the ultimate weapon...The Atom Bomb. [ae] “The Manhattan Project was committed to expediting research that would produce a viable Atomic Bomb.” The first and most difficult step towards the creation of the “A bomb” was the production of “enriched” uranium- to create a chain reaction. Back then, extracting that kind …show more content…
The utmost important was to avenge their fallen soldiers and devastation that occurred on the seventh of December 1941, The Attack on Pearl Harbor. This attack by the the Japanese was the pinnacle reason, the push the U.S needed to use the Atomic bomb. Another reason was to prove our great military superiority to the Soviets and to the rest of the world. And last but certainly not least, to finally end World War II. Although it never completely ended America's struggles on the Eastern front, the Japanese surrendered when they felt the force of the explosion. As stated above, the effect and destruction of this great most devastating, powerful weapon is astronomical. The introduction of this weapon paved the way for the development of more advanced versions of the Atomic Bomb, shooting the world into a nuclear evolution that will define the future. The Atomic bomb has been a relevant issue for the world since its use. This can be proven by America's extreme measures to keep its secrets on the creation. When the secrets were leaked by a soviet spy, the nuclear controversy began. Later leading into the fear of the possibility of World War III. Both the Soviet Nation and the U.S began their own stockpiles of Nuclear weapons. The Cold War then

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