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9/11 Interview Summary

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Summary of the Interview I interviewed my mom about her experience on September 11, 2001 at the time of the World Trade Center destruction. She is 46 now, but at the time she was only 30 and we were eating breakfast at the table. She remembered almost every detail of the day and she spoke heavily about the time she spent speaking on the phone with one of her close friends. She remembered her thoughts almost exactly as she watched it unfold on our family television. She spoke very specifically about how she tracked the tragedy on the television not only that day, but through the days that followed. She would flip through the television channels and then speak with her best friend on the phone about where they gathered different information. Although the tragedy was so far away it felt so personal to her and so close to home, it could’ve been anyone that was killed and that is what made it so scary. The most important thing she remembered was not being able to comprehend all of the death and destruction of the event. Not only was she sad, she was angry. Angry like millions of other …show more content…
She spoke very specifically of this idea of “live action”, she said “[live action] held an urgency that made you feel helpless.” The constant news coverage brought the tragedy home to viewers and gave them a personal view of the event. Television and the phone were the two biggest communication devices used to interpret and gain information, not the newspaper and we can see how this was a transition into the visual revolution. Television had more influence over people than the newspaper because it required no involvement and no effort, which in turn caused the American people to feel helpless (M. Abo, personal communication, September 22,

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