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Applying Sociological Concepts

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Applying Sociological Concepts Climate change is the process in which the earth’s climate changes gradually over time. We are seeing the affects of climate change everywhere as the temperature continues to increase and results in consequences such as the melting of glaciers. The melting of the glaciers has caused a significant increase of water in oceans which severely affects many organism’s natural habitats. According to NASA many scientists agree that the main cause of this is the release of greenhouse gases (, 2017). Left unchecked climate change threatens to cause major mass extinctions and severely affect our lives. Many people have seen the importance of acting on this for numerous reasons but there are also …show more content…
One value we are all taught is from those we interact with is equality. When it comes to climate change this value helps most see that all life is precious and that we must do whatever we can to help preserve all life. Therefore, those who love animals will tend to believe and take more action to prevent climate change. Others will also see this in another mindset that the children on the earth, as well as any future children, deserve to live on a planet in as good of condition as when we were kids. Some of these people are just simply afraid of leaving their children in a world with problems such as this which is why they are proactive in informing others on the issue as well as doing their part to make their carbon footprint smaller. This is how our values of equality influence our view for climate …show more content…
The value of process and progress is defined as the belief that technology will evolve and solve any problems we have which will help make our future better then the past (Williams,1970). Some forms of technology that has already been developed that would certainly help in reducing our carbon footprint are alternate energy sources such as nuclear power plants, wind turbines, and hydroelectric power plants. These are all alternate sources of energy which does not result in the release of these greenhouse gases which would surely improve our footprint. People see these alternate power sources as both a relief to their worries and a reason to not change their lifestyles. To elaborate, those who see it as a reason not to change their lifestyles see it like this because they assume that someone else will take care of it and no action is needed on their end. People would see it like this because of a lack of information on climate change and based on what they do know they would most likely assume some sort of authority figure, such as a scientist, will remedy the situation. The fault mainly for those without this information would be the media for not providing such information to the public. This is mainly due to the network owners wanting to present other news to grab the viewers attention so they can acquire more

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