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Identify Different Types Of Fans Essay

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Every time there is a sporting event you will always notice the different types of people and the way they will enjoy the game. Some people like to sit back and relax to watch the game. Some, on the other hand, like to really get into the game. They have different ways of showing their support. Three types of awful fans are the rowdy fan, the confused fan, and the bandwagon fan. One type of sports fan is the rowdy fan. These type of fans are always yelling for or at their favorite team or player. For example, Wendy loves to watch her daughter play softball. She is at almost every game and if she was not there then her absence was noticeable. Every time her daughter, Ashley, is up to bat she's yelling at the top of her lungs and rooting her on. The best part of being a bystander is when she is hollering at the umpire. People on the other side of the ballpark can hear her causing a riot. When rowdy supporters aren't rooting for their favorite players they are yelling …show more content…
This certain type of fan is someone who enjoys watching the game but has no idea what the rules and regulations of the game actually are. For example, Mandy sits in a chair in front of the television and yells random statements that she has heard someone else say on a previous play. She would say something along the lines of how the quarterback threw an interception when in reality he threw the ball out of bounds. The confused fans try their hardest to make something that they have heard and put them into context to make it appear like they have an idea of what is happening. Some on the other hand just have no idea what is going on. For example, Jolie was at basketball practice when she yelled that she has forgotten her “cleats” at home. Everyone looked around confused until they realized that Jolie was trying to say that she left her tennis shoes at home. Some sports “fans” are meant to understand the game and all that comes with it but some are

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