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Determining Credibility


Submitted By claudecurry
Words 1194
Pages 5
Ten Ways to Determine Information Credibility on the Internet

As the information age further expands and information is readily available in many forms instantaneously there is a huge need to validate the credibility of this information. The Internet is a place of many ideas. There are countless blogs, forums, and informational sites that contain data that is not guaranteed to be correct. There are no stipulations involved in putting information in the cloud. Anyone with the resources to do so can publish information. It is virtually impossible to authenticate and police this arena. Although there are groups that monitor sites that are deemed to be harmless to minors and others, these groups don’t have the ability to change the data, only make recommendations or provide filtering tools to protect against the innocent being exposed to it. There are currently no laws that govern what is acceptable for the web. Conversely, even if laws in our country were enacted, these laws would not stop the culprits from moving these operations to another country and continuing with business as usual. How can we identify when issues with information could exist? Why do we need to evaluate these things? The first major factor is lack of any formal structure. Popular sites like Wikipedia provide quick references to a vast number of topics. This site however usually has no reference to where the data came from. There are also no indications about what is acceptable as far as structure, content, or reading level. There are however other online encyclopedias, backed by their paper bound counterparts that provide structure and adhere to standards in place by the publisher. The next issue with online information is that it is not monitored. This simply means that there is not a group or law that sets determines what is acceptable. Although there have been plenty

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